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For Crewton Ramone House of Math users...

Ewe Mama

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I just paid for a year subscription to his website (using Paypal) and received verification of payment from Paypal.


I haven't yet received a password to the CR site. Is this normal?


If it takes a day or two to receive it, that's fine. I just didn't want to sit by the computer, waiting with bated breath to delve into the mysteries of the House of Math if the password isn't going to arrive for a while.


How/when did you receive your password information?


Thank you to everyone who posted about this site. Between CR and the Education Unboxed videos, I think I'm finally going to figure out the myriad of possibilities for c-rods and MUS blocks.


Thank you!!!!!!

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Let me know if you need any tips on navigating his website. He is great about responding to emails as well.



Beth, I would love some tips. I am trying to start with my almost 5 year old, but I would love to use it with my 6 year olds, 7 yo, and 9 yo. Where do I start?

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I was just looking at this the other day. Did you buy his set or can you use the blocks like math-u-see?



I would love to buy his set, but I will order some MUS blocks because they seem to be more economical. I'm also confused as to what he actually has available to purchase (for books). The website is a bit murkey on that.


I paid for a year's access to the website, so I can hopefully figure out the system and learn how to use it.

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Beth, I would love some tips. I am trying to start with my almost 5 year old, but I would love to use it with my 6 year olds, 7 yo, and 9 yo. Where do I start?


It is best to start by topic. Dd8 is doing his fractions and ratios lessons along with building/factoring polys.


Dd9 is working along with his "Jesse" videos on completing the square AND his "East Coast Crew" vids on functions. His "Commander Colby" vids are helpful also.


I'm watching the precal vids.


Ben is also tutoring the girls online because we love him so much. Starting in Sept, he will work with them weekly at their request. :)


We met him and the boys on Maui in June. He came to our condo a couple times. Our kids played on the beach together. If we lived there our kids would be thicker than thieves. Ben, my husband and I chatted for hours. My ds thinks he's the coolest. He has opinions on just about everything. Very knowledgable on health & wellness. I digress....


Don't try and be too sequential with his website. He is random. He is crazy. Just roll with it. :)

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How/when did you receive your password information?




From Ben:


If you pay for a password or ANYTHING ELSE a pop up page with a link to a page containing the password appears. If you have pop up blockers enabled, Paypal can not pop up the pop up page and then you have to hassel me with an email asking for a password. Usually I just respond to all notifications of payment from Paypal with the password...but several people don't get those because they don't use the paypal email for anything but paypal so they often don't see the email I sent. Sometimes it ends up in the spam folder. This is of course my fault. I was going to employ a password fairy to put people's passwords under their freaking pillows but she turned out to be just as unreliable. She was often hopped up on fairy dust. And what with all the teaching toddlers to fly and stuff the liability was just too much.


With regard to MUS blocks being cheaper. Yes they are. Even if you factor in a password for 24 bucks. And by "cheaper" I mean cheaper. Most people move up to Mortensen blocks after they figure out the other blocks actually don't work as well...but you can make due if you have to. Like the lady who is using cuisenaire rods and doing quite well making vids and mods to her materials.


As for not being able to figure out how to order all I can say is there are links to the combo kit everywhere and I added vids to the starter kit page...for now that's about as good as it gets. There is a getting started page in the works.


There was a time in my life when I was a real people person...but after 22 years of dealing with people and math: not so much anymore.

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lol I would be that person because I have pop-ups blocked. As for the blocks I really was wondering what is the difference between them. I wouldn't ask the person selling them as that is kind of rude, but it's always good to get a friends opinion who may have used several different kinds:)

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:lol: Weeee! Look at me: posting.


You have questions. I may have answers. Join me over on FB. Might be easier and faster there. Or perhaps we can have long and pleasant threads here regarding various topics concerning mathematics as well as how much cheaper and ineffectual Math U See blocks are. Just kidding: you can use the cheap math you see blocks all day long. Cuisenaire rods also work. Mostly.




Actually if you do the math:


30.00 for a MUS starter set,

35.00 for a MUS completer set

20.00 for inserts,


plus shipping plus a pasword from me 24.00 and you are NOT cheaper bucks...when it comes to a combo kit. It includes a password.


Then again maybe you are still cheaper.


Eventually, I will get my fractions page together and the getting started page finished too...have some pdf's to upload with scope and sequence and so forth that should be done "soon." And by soon I mean before Christmas. Maybe.


This assumes I don't get invited to anymore birthday parties for 7 year olds where I am offered copious amounts of the drug called sugar disguised as cake, hot dogs, catsup, pickle relish, carbonated beverages or piĂƒÂ±ata stuffing.


Also Assumes NASA quits beaming images from the Mars Curiosity Mission.


I am all ears :bigear: and completely open to suggestions on how to improve this ordering page:




Apparently it is horrifyingly confusing and difficult to navigate. I figured I could solve this by adding video descriptions and links to the products I offer. There are vids for all the sets of books and plastic pieces. What's missing?


I set this thread to daily email notification so I may reply here daily if there are posts that require reply. Also might want to start a new Q and A thread which I will add to my FAQ Page...that would be started by somebody else besides me.


Then perhaps those of you that have annual paswords could get invited to a monthly video chat on ooVoo or google hangouts or something and we could cover all manner of questions quickly.

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Hey, Crewton Ramone! Welcome to the party!


I am NOT cheap! :lol: If you saw how many math programs I own, you'd know that. This year we do need to tighten the belt a bit, so to speak, because hay and feed for the sheep and goats will go through the roof on account of the drought here on the mainland.


I just want to make sure I can really use and understand a program before I throw $500 at it. It's not the price or the program that's the problem, it's the fact that I'm a wishy-washy mess whan it comes to math (I had terrible experiences with math and math teachers when I was growing up and I'm rather...phobic about math.)


I have 5 kiddos age 4-9, so I tend to go for more bang for our educational buck.


Are the Mortensen workbooks ever going to be available as pdf downloads? (I'm telling you, they would sell like hot cakes if they weren't $150 a set. I know that isn't your doing and that you have an understanding with Mortensen Math.) People around here tend to like pdf files. There are many members of the Hive worldwide and shipping costs can be very prohibitive.


Personally, I'm not on Facebook (or any of the equivalents). There are many others on the Hive who aren't either. There have been many who jumped off the FB boat and become...disillusioned with it.


As for your blog, it's great and your videos are wonderful. Very helpful. My difficulty lies in that I have very limited computer time, so I need something organized, maybe with sections for beginners, intermediate, and advanced. I know that you teach everything at all levels, which is what draws me to it, but I get easily confused and am not an "out-of-the-box" thinker with math. I need a flow chart kind of a format. Start here, then move to this section or this one, then progress to this video or that one.


I'm glad you are here and look forward to spending more time on your House of Math site with some guidance and input form you.

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I also think pdfs for download would sell like hot cakes!! The books are crazily overpriced at $150.00 they used to be $25.00 and distributors got them for less than that...don't even get me started on the books. :angry:


Makes me want to break things.


Anyway, I think we need pdf's too. Like 10 bucks a level...and 5 bucks for Series A and

. And then they would sell crap loads of blocks and the world would be a safe and happy place. But alas, there's no talking to some people.


I have made one book, the Curious Counters Compendium. Working on making more of my own pdfs...as we speak. Also you get quite a few PDf's with a password and it may end up that with a password you get some of the Mortensen books in pdf form. I asure you if they don't do it I will. Eventually. That doesn't help you now though, I know.


Part of the reason they don't want to do pdfs is because they know one person buys it: 200 people get it. It's like telling a chatty woman a secret. I don't care. The first law of nature is abundance. I look at the number of passwords I sell and the number of hits my password pages get and I understand their hesitation to put all their stuff out there in digital media which is easily shared and copied. Do it anyway. The negotiations continue. There was a time when I didn't have any of their stuff on my website, either. There's also a very simple concept I learned from Steven Covey: "no margin no mission."


BTW I approached MUS and told them I'd be happy to have their cheap copies of the Mortensen Blocks that don't work as well because they managed to take out the versatility with the interlocking feature, but they told me no because of their distributor agreements. Those agreements were made pre-internet and need re-thinking. But I respect them respecting their distributors. Something the Mortensen company didn't do hence MUS and some other companies.


I also approached another company out of Asia that has base ten blocks very similar to Mortensen but the colors are not the same. I actually like their injection molded fraction pieces better than Mortesen company's and they are quie reasonably priced. They did not respond at all. I know that guy thinks he is going to get sued. BTW I helped train him. I tried to make it clear I wasn't a spy for the Mortensen company but they would not call or email me back. Too funny. He is a honcho with the Hawaii DOE now...


Both guys are former trainers with Mortensen Math. This should speak volumes. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Jerry actually did some innovation. When I create my blocks I hope to innovate not just imitate...


They both are steps in the right direction and as much as I will tease them we need more of them not less of them. My website will work with whatever blocks you have.


Organization? :smilielol5: Hehehehehehehe...


The problem used to be that you'd get this 500.00 kit and no instructions on how to use it. They had like 5 (somewhat lame) videos and that was it. Other than that you had to come to a live seminar. Crewton Ramone's house of math is there to remove that excuse...that you buy a kit and don't know how to use it.


Now I have so much people don't know where to start. This is a better problem, no?


Remember the basic concepts...and get startred, Anywhere you want. Counting, division, algebra. FORGET the rules and formulae and the order you were taught. By the way how well did those rules and order work out for you? How well for most students? Are kids that have trouble with math the exception or the rule? Maybe we need to get rid of the dam rules and formulae and start learning math. We start with basic computation but that is NOT math. That's how we DO math.


If you can count to 9 form a rectangle and tell me whether something is same or different or not we can teach you math. All of it. Counting through Calculus. I know you can learn math because you can speak English and you are reading this. English is a messed up language. And yet you speak and read it. Math is a beautiful, simple, logical language. Very few exceptions. Lots of rules and you can prove your answers...multiple ways. No room for argument. There is an order for doing operations.


This leads to people wanting an order for teaching the subject that reflects the way they were taught even though they will admit the way they were taught didn't work. I get it. :001_huh:


I will also eventually have mind maps with links to pages and blog posts and scope and sequence charts and all that stuff. I am in year 3 of a ten year plan. So far so good. Places like this help me figure out what to do first. First is teach math. Everything else comes after.


Meantime get started. Do something. I often start tutoring sessions with "What do YOU want to do today?" Then we do math. All math is math. All math is, is math. Trying to separate multiplication from division is like trying to take the white out of milk, and then trying to separate addition from multiplication is like trying to take hot out of fire and of course addition and subtraction go together like cold and ice and algebra is just the generic form of all this. So really, just start doing math. The only way to learn math is to do math. I often start with algebra...with algebra as you can see I teach all the basic operations. But you can also use the basic operations to teach algebra...I'm not messing with you here. I mean it. JUST START. I promise no matter where you start you'll end up at the same place.


Check out my kick ass getting stated page. :thumbup:


Math should be fun and easy. If it's not fun and easy you might be doing it wrong. It's all one language just like English. You use English to teach English don't you? You use math to teach math.


I was in a second grade classroom which contained my oldest son. We factored xĂ‚Â² + 3x + 2, xĂ‚Â² + 4x + 3, xĂ‚Â² + 5x + 6, learned the names of places all the way out to billion...skip counted by 2's and 3's, sang songs about 3's...all in 90 minutes. At one point the teachers aide was crying. It wasn't because she was sad. We did math for 90 minutes. With second graders...

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I cannot even begin to imagine how frustrated you must be to have to deal with such legalistic mumbo jumbo. All you want to do is share a great math program with students around the world and you keep getting knocked down by the owners who have basically priced themselves out of existence.


What is their story, anyway? Why don’t they revise and reproduce the workbooks and manuals using today’s technology? I understand their concerns about PDF downloads, but I have never asked another person nor have I ever been asked to make bootleg copies of PDF files. Miquon Math has their entire program available on Currclick.com on PDF files. I think it costs $6.50 per level. I’ve never heard anyone complain that that is too expensive to afford. (They may complain that it isn’t easy to implement, but by golly, it sure is affordable!)


They wouldn’t have to do PDF file downloads, just make it attainable for home schooling families who want to use it. If they wanted to stay with workbooks, Christian Light Education sells their math in workbooks similar in format to Mortensen. A year’s worth of material is broken down into 10 workbooks for about $40. Their teacher’s manuals bump the price up by another $15 or so, but it is still regarded as being affordable. (It is also one of the most highly regarded math programs among home schooling circles.)


If they make it reasonably priced and put a real website together from whence people can order their products directly, it would sell. I tried to figure out the MortensenMathDirect.com site and shook my head in disgust and frustration. I don’t know about other people, but I don’t do business with companies that make me call them to place an order. I like the Internet and that’s the only way I buy curriculum.


I can’t allow myself to pay $150 per level for a series of workbooks that were priced at $25 not terribly long ago. I understand inflation and all that, but that increase in price is absurd. If they don’t want to make a new edition, sell the rights to someone who will. There’s no reason to allow a math program that has gotten great reviews in the past to die a slow and painful death.


I’m not normally a rabble-rouser, but this has really gotten my knickers in a twist. I can tell that you have worked your rear end off to develop your site and make your videos. You are trying to keep Mortensen Math’s ideas alive and thriving and they are stifling your efforts at every turn. Why are they so unreasonable? This is about spreading the math love, making it easy to understand and enjoyable for kids of all ages. Why can’t they see that people are still interested but walk away because of the price?


There have been several threads on the Well-Trained Mind forum (the Hive) asking if it is ethical/legal to use page protectors with workbooks. Many say it is not because workbooks, by nature, are consummable and are to be used as intended. For people whose convictions take them down that road, Mortensen would be prohibitively expensive.


OK, I'm done preaching to the choir. Please let the Mortensen owners know that there is still interest in their program, but it is not financially plausible for many people.


By the way, do you prefer to be called Crewton or Ben on the boaards? I've seen you referred to as both, but didn't know your preference.




PS. I was an English major in college :lol:

Edited by Sheep Lady Mama
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He tutors via skype (or did I hear wrong elsewhere?):bigear:


ETA: Nevermind. I looked at the site. He does do tutoring! Definitely something to keep in mind for later this year. I'll contact him to ask if he only does tutoring with blocks (she has never cared for manipulatives in the past). Thanks ladies for turning my head to yet ANOTHER math program/site. Lol.

Edited by AimeeM
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I cannot even begin to imagine how frustrated you must be to have to deal with such legalistic mumbo jumbo. All you want to do is share a great math program with students around the world and you keep getting knocked down by the owners who have basically priced themselves out of existence.


What is their story, anyway? Why don’t they revise and reproduce the workbooks and manuals using today’s technology? I understand their concerns about PDF downloads, but I have never asked another person nor have I ever been asked to make bootleg copies of PDF files. Miquon Math has their entire program available on Currclick.com on PDF files. I think it costs $6.50 per level. I’ve never heard anyone complain that that is too expensive to afford. (They may complain that it isn’t easy to implement, but by golly, it sure is affordable!)


They wouldn’t have to do PDF file downloads, just make it attainable for home schooling families who want to use it. If they wanted to stay with workbooks, Christian Light Education sells their math in workbooks similar in format to Mortensen. A year’s worth of material is broken down into 10 workbooks for about $40. Their teacher’s manuals bump the price up by another $15 or so, but it is still regarded as being affordable. (It is also one of the most highly regarded math programs among home schooling circles.)


If they make it reasonably priced and put a real website together from whence people can order their products directly, it would sell. I tried to figure out the MortensenMathDirect.com site and shook my head in disgust and frustration. I don’t know about other people, but I don’t do business with companies that make me call them to place an order. I like the Internet and that’s the only way I buy curriculum.


I can’t allow myself to pay $150 per level for a series of workbooks that were priced at $25 not terribly long ago. I understand inflation and all that, but that increase in price is absurd. If they don’t want to make a new edition, sell the rights to someone who will. There’s no reason to allow a math program that has gotten great reviews in the past to die a slow and painful death.


I’m not normally a rabble-rouser, but this has really gotten my knickers in a twist. I can tell that you have worked your rear end off to develop your site and make your videos. You are trying to keep Mortensen Math’s ideas alive and thriving and they are stifling your efforts at every turn. Why are they so unreasonable? This is about spreading the math love, making it easy to understand and enjoyable for kids of all ages. Why can’t they see that people are still interested but walk away because of the price?


There have been several threads on the Well-Trained Mind forum (the Hive) asking if it is ethical/legal to use page protectors with workbooks. Many say it is not because workbooks, by nature, are consummable and are to be used as intended. For people whose convictions take them down that road, Mortensen would be prohibitively expensive.


OK, I'm done preaching to the choir. Please let the Mortensen owners know that there is still interest in their program, but it is not financially plausible for many people.


By the way, do you prefer to be called Crewton or Ben on the boaards? I've seen you referred to as both, but didn't know your preference.




PS. I was an English major in college :lol:

You can call me what ever you want as long as you don't call me late for dinner.


I am not under contract per se. Although we have some verbal agreements. And I gave my word on a couple of things. Jerry and I are old school when it comes to certain things. A man's word is his bond. A man that can't keep his word is a worthless man. Those agreements are personal but basically can be summed up "you don't screw me, I won't screw you." Eventually these agreements will be re-negotiated as we move further down the road of my ten year plan and I begin making more products. Also you are correct there is a bit of politics involved...


As far as the kits and books if you do break down and get materials get a kit. You can't beat the pricing and I throw in the whole kit and kaboodle for $500.00. Buy stuff piece meal and it gets pricey right quick.


Also note that I am trying to make it so that you don't especially need the books if you spend the time at my site and with the videos I cover quite a bit of what's in the books FOR FREE. More free stuff to come on blog and website too...these things take time. Meantime starting off with a combo kit is good but for those that "get it" a full curriculum starter get is a good deal and is pretty much the same price it was 20 years ago except now you have my website and blog instead of 5 VHS tapes.


I used to get my shorts in a twist too..but now I look around and I see opportunity. Understand that you can't patent base ten blocks, nor math itself, you can copyright books but even there you can't copyright 2 + 2 = 4. Herein lies my salvation. Without getting into too much detail once you understand the concepts you can only change the numbers. You can patent teaching technique and you can trade mark certain things. There are certain things that came from the mind of Jerry Mortensen...I can find them no where else. When I use these things I will pay Jerry or the company. Other things are "common knowledge" but you (I) can't copy the books "verbatim." They will be updated. And inovations will be made. As opposed to imitations which is what some people have done.




At $150.00 bucks USE PAGE PROTECTORS. Laminate them. Fair is fair. You've (and by "you" I mean "you in general") got 4 kids, you are supposed to spend $600.00 bucks just for smiley face books? Classroom with 20 kids...it gets crazy. $3K just for the books. So no, I think it's quite ethical to make them last. If they were 25.00 it gets questionable because the are priced as a consumable but at $150.00 they are priced like a permanent text book.


Also we are all aware that these are public forums and Jerry and Marti (his wife who now owns the company) may read these posts one day. Some people type like these are private message boards. I lurk with reckless abandon here.




I am on my way out of the tutoring business but not for a few more YEARS. Sigh. I plan on being mostly digital media pdfs, passwords, vids, software, apps, ALL available for download. And one day I may even have a professionally built website. Right now mine needs work. People often assume I have a team. The team is me.


One day soon I will have two little boys conscripted...but currently they are not of much use. Imagine them as teenagers...they will never have to worry about money. Just do what teenagers do which is play with technology and make vids games apps ebooks etc and by then they will need precious little direction from me...currently getting my eBook made took huge amounts of my time and proofing because the guy knew nothing about this math system. Future eBooks will also be time consuming because of this, but 7 years from now my sons will be able to create products!! Meantime I have lots of work to do. Obviously.


You'd be surprised at the sales they still do, although it is a shadow if it's former self the company is eeking by. MortensenMathDirect is still angry fruit salad. But it is better than it was. Believe it or not.


I support myself and I haven't even gotten going yet. People ask, "is math all you do?" Basically. Depends on what you mean by all you do...but yeah this is what I do. MATH.


Crewton Ramone's House of Math is pretty easy to navigate but I'm all ears on suggestions as to how to improve it and you don't have to use kid gloves either. Tell me what sucks. Tell me what you like. That way I can put more of what you like and get rid of or modify what sucks. Right now the main thing I hear is organization and where to get started...duly noted. Getting started will be adressed soon. Organization may never fit with what people expect as noted in my previous post. I have looked at other sites like Kahn and really I don't want to do that. So what do you expect to see on a getting started page?

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He tutors via skype (or did I hear wrong elsewhere?):bigear:


ETA: Nevermind. I looked at the site. He does do tutoring! Definitely something to keep in mind for later this year. I'll contact him to ask if he only does tutoring with blocks (she has never cared for manipulatives in the past). Thanks ladies for turning my head to yet ANOTHER math program/site. Lol.

I prefer it if the person on the other side of the vid chat has blocks. 100% effective this way. If she doesn't like manipulatives might be because she never had fun with them...get her hands on the blocks and seriously my failure rate is 0% I used to say success guaranteed or your money back but it kind of goes without saying now. If she doesn't have blocks I can't guarantee success. What kind of math s she doing?

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I prefer it if the person on the other side of the vid chat has blocks. 100% effective this way. If she doesn't like manipulatives might be because she never had fun with them...get her hands on the blocks and seriously my failure rate is 0% I used to say success guaranteed or your money back but it kind of goes without saying now. If she doesn't have blocks I can't guarantee success. What kind of math s she doing?

She is heading into pre algebra (whatever that means), but we are brushing up on fractions first. I'm noticing she's great at spouting off formulas; not so much the *why* behind the formula.

Not adverse to blocks.

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I can barely navigate this place, constantly get logged out, dns errors, server errors...I have messages I can't figure out how to read...lol...I guess it's all what you are used to.


Anyhoooo...if your child is in pre-algebra I absolutely guarantee and "A" WITH understanding. Caveat there will be some work involved on her part...


Meantime you might want to fool around watching vids on my site and blog. Just search: Crewton Ramone Algebra, it's all free. Use any search engine. Hopefully you won't have to pay me for tutoring...just watch vids...maybe get a password if you need more. They are cheap.

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I can barely navigate this place, constantly get logged out, dns errors, server errors...I have messages I can't figure out how to read...lol...I guess it's all what you are used to.


Anyhoooo...if your child is in pre-algebra I absolutely guarantee and "A" WITH understanding. Caveat there will be some work involved on her part...


Meantime you might want to fool around watching vids on my site and blog. Just search: Crewton Ramone Algebra, it's all free. Use any search engine. Hopefully you won't have to pay me for tutoring...just watch vids...maybe get a password if you need more. They are cheap.


One of those messages is from me. I hope you can figure out how to read them! :lol:

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I can barely navigate this place, constantly get logged out, dns errors, server errors...I have messages I can't figure out how to read...lol...I guess it's all what you are used to.


Anyhoooo...if your child is in pre-algebra I absolutely guarantee and "A" WITH understanding. Caveat there will be some work involved on her part...


Meantime you might want to fool around watching vids on my site and blog. Just search: Crewton Ramone Algebra, it's all free. Use any search engine. Hopefully you won't have to pay me for tutoring...just watch vids...maybe get a password if you need more. They are cheap.

What manipulatives do you recommend for pre algebra topics (for reference, I'm pretty sure I won't be able to talk my husband into letting me spend hundreds on math manipulatives, lol)?

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Basically any base ten blocks will do. Some are better than others. You don't have to spend hundreds but you will find once they get their hands on the blocks their understanding increases markedly.


Doesn't it just make sense that the more senses you involve the better you learn?


This allows them to get their hands on math, including algebra. Combo kit is basically all you need and it's 91 bucks...MUS blocks are about the same and a couple packs of cuisinaire rods are around 50 bucks...you will need flats and rods as they call them for algebra...you also want a set that doesn't just have dozens of units because it takes too long to build the problems...and the student gets bored before they get a chance to learn any concepts...

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I am gone almost a few days and now here you are!!!



I am still waiting for our charter school to approve you as a vendor!

She says she needs to do all the ordering for everyone first and then do all the vendors. So then I can get the kit and sell my Math U See blocks to someone here.


I also sent your link to our math department specialist so we can get a math club going for the year. I wonder if you would be interested in hosting a math club via skype or something?


I am so so excited to see you on here.

PS I am Christian but you don;t rub me wrong. I find your method to teaching math awesome! Regarding your opinions...everyone has opinions on this board. Whenever we give a review, we give an opinion and what you say is just your opinion. Just keep on teaching and making those videos and PDF's.


By the way I would help in making a getting started flow chart.

Edited by happycc
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Thank you Mr. Ramone. We will probably have to enlist your help second semester. Lol. I've almost reached the limit of my own comfort zone teaching math!


Also, does the combo kit sold via your site come with an activity book? Is the combo kit good for both my older daughter approaching algebra AND my preschool age son, or will they need different types of blocks?


Basically any base ten blocks will do. Some are better than others. You don't have to spend hundreds but you will find once they get their hands on the blocks their understanding increases markedly.


Doesn't it just make sense that the more senses you involve the better you learn?


This allows them to get their hands on math, including algebra. Combo kit is basically all you need and it's 91 bucks...MUS blocks are about the same and a couple packs of cuisinaire rods are around 50 bucks...you will need flats and rods as they call them for algebra...you also want a set that doesn't just have dozens of units because it takes too long to build the problems...and the student gets bored before they get a chance to learn any concepts...

Edited by AimeeM
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Is the combo kit good for both my older daughter approaching algebra AND my preschool age son, or will they need different types of blocks?


Nope just that kit can be used for both of them...go to my website for lessons using the same blocks that are goof for both of them. Also might want to visit the FAQ page...

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I am gone almost a few days and now here you are!!!



I am still waiting for our charter school to approve you as a vendor!

She says she needs to do all the ordering for everyone first and then do all the vendors. So then I can get the kit and sell my Math U See blocks to someone here.


I also sent your link to our math department specialist so we can get a math club going for the year. I wonder if you would be interested in hosting a math club via skype or something?


I am so so excited to see you on here.

PS I am Christian but you don;t rub me wrong. I find your method to teaching math awesome! Regarding your opinions...everyone has opinions on this board. Whenever we give a review, we give an opinion and what you say is just your opinion. Just keep on teaching and making those videos and PDF's.


By the way I would help in making a getting started flow chart.


It's on my to do list. I will call them and see what is required, at first glance, looks like I just fill out a few online forms...or do I need to send hard copy or what...?

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Hi Crewton/Ben! Welcome!


Now the begging: PLEASE, please, please-we are desperate for a flow chart of some type for your videos!!! My dd12 is about to start prealgebra, and she didn't realize til I showed her a MathUSee video someone gave us that when you multiply fractions, it is getting SMALLER! She could do the algorithm perfectly, yet had no idea conceptually what she was doing.


She clearly needs the visual like your videos show. But I have looked at your site several times, and I am like a deer in the headlights. I KNOW you say just play, just do it in whatever order, Beth has said that too, but I just truly don't know where to start and I think that is the basic feeling people are having-we love the look of your stuff, but can't make heads or tails of the whole thing and then give up. You've been doing this a long time and it's intuitive for you, but people in general will need some hand-holding!


I had given up on the whole thing til this thread, but I figure I'll put in a begging plea for help here! :D We just need some kind of loose idea, a flow chart, anything! HELP!


Is there a way to put the videos you have in some sort of order for us to follow? That seems like it would be relatively simple to do. I would GLADLY pay for the password to that! Thanks so much for your willingness to hear us out!

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Pezdiva

Dd9 is working along with his "Jesse" videos on completing the square AND his "East Coast Crew" vids on functions. His "Commander Colby" vids are helpful also.



Where are the Jesse videos? And I have only found one East Coast Crew video. I have a full password and we really love his approach but I still have a hard time pinpointing exactly what I'm looking for.

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