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advice on non-food eating please! medical ?

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Hi! My dd is 5 (in 3 days she will be) and lately has been eating non-food things. She is sneaking them. Toothpaste has been the big one. She keeps eating it. I have had to lock it up. She also has been sneaking big handfuls of salt. She seems embarrassed by it. I talked to her about it but tried to be extra nice. I locked up the toothpaste and she licked it off the counters after the kids were done brushing their teeth. I found out afterwards. What in the world is going on??????? She is cognitively typical if that makes a difference.

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Have you taken her to her doctor?

Sounds like pica or a need for a nutrient her body is lacking.

I have heard of several medical conditions that cause people to crave salt, though I don't know the names off the top of my head.




It could be medical or it could be age-related? My DD went through a stage where she was eating toilet paper.... ??? (IDK if she was actually swallowing or just chewing on it...and ETA: it was clean toilet paper. :p) But salt & toothpaste could potentially be harmful (I would guess) in larger doses; perhaps calling your family dr. for suggestions/input?

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i did call the doc. She has her 5 year appointment scheduled for the 17th so the nurse i talked to said she thought it was fine for us to wait till then, as long as i kept everything away from her. i guess i'm just nervous. Wondering if anyone has dealt with this before. I used to work with kiddos w/ autism and am very familiar with Pica. I was just suprised to see this happen to her randomly?

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My dd went through a period of chewing on dog bones. Since she was going through a bad period otherwise, I decided to take her to the pediatrician and get some bloodwork done but all was normal. It was a phase. I'd talk to the doctor just in case.

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My dd went through a period of chewing on dog bones. Since she was going through a bad period otherwise, I decided to take her to the pediatrician and get some bloodwork done but all was normal. It was a phase. I'd talk to the doctor just in case.



thanks! that actually makes me feel better!

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