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Checking booster seats for flights?

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How risky is it to check a booster seat instead of gate checking it?


We have two plane changes, and I'd really like to check my 6-year-old's booster seat instead of gate checking it and hauling it through two airports as we race to get everyone toileted and fed before our next flight. I have this vague fear that the booster might be damaged in some way, but I'm not sure how realistic that fear is.


Thoughts? I do have a bag for it, either way.

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We check ours every time we fly (internationally). It's always been fine. The airlines (in our experience) seem to handle car seats/booster seats with a level of care not necessarily shown to regular luggage.


I would do it, for exactly the reasons you mentioned. Well, I will be doing it on our next US trip. Really, it'll be fine.

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We flew two weeks ago, and actually put the booster seat inside one of our larger suitcases, along with other things. If your seat is small enough, and you have the luggage space, I'd recommend going that route.


It's a high-back booster, so it won't fit in any of the suitcases. Good idea if it were smaller though.

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Don't risk it! It definitely could get damaged.

Baggag handlers are quite rough with checked luggage - tossing it about and piling things on top of it. For something that your child's safety depends on - I just wouldn't risk it.


NOTE: If it is backless booster it will fit into the overhead bin, but you (or your child) will have to claim it as carry-on luggage, so it will limit your other carry ons.

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I wonder if the rental company has boosters available.


We checked a car seat once on an international flight. That thing was a tank though.


At the rates they quoted, for the length of our trip, it would be cheaper to buy a car seat. I think. It would definitely be cheaper given mainland prices for a car seat. I'm not sure how much adjust up for Hawaii.

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I always worried about checking car seats when we travelled. It wasn't until our last cross continental trip during which our car seat went missing, that I discovered that the airlines have an entire room of replacement seats if yours goes missing. If I'd known about that I would have been less anxious. I know that's not exactly your question but I wanted to put it in in case anyone reading is like me or in case that is one of your concerns.

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Actually if you check it, ideally you would not put it in a bag. That might encourage them to be a little less rough with it. We didn't have a bag for ours.




Right, us too. Or a clear plastic bag so they see what it is.


Once we moved to the backless booster, we put it in a regular suitcase (with other stuff), but when it was the high back booster we either just checked it as-is or in a clear plastic bag. In five years worth of international travel we've not had a single incident re: the car seat/booster seat.

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Just realized that I can take the back of the booster off, turning it into a backless booster which I could then check in our suitcase, well padded by clothes.


And if the airlines have replacements in the event that it gets lost, that would eliminate that concern.


Hmm. Weighing the decreased safety of a backless booster with the risk of damage to the full booster . . .

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How old is the child using it? I think the backless is ok unless the kid is rather young or has a tendency to fall asleep and slouch over.


He's 6.5. Not exceptionally large for his age, but not small by any stretch. In fact, if we were going two months later, Hawaii wouldn't even require him to be in a booster. (Not that I let my kids out as soon as some states, but definitely something I take into account.)

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