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Big scary bill in the Senate??

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Not strange at all — exploiting the naivety of homeschoolers in order to push their own political agenda is standard operating procedure for HSLDA.



Personally, I have a special feeling about the pro-spanking "parental rights" groups. I like that they are so open about their love for spanking. They also think it's awful to spend more on children than war, and give children the legal right to leisure. I love to see positions so clearly spelled out. It's refreshing.



I <3 fetuses!

Another bare behind, just waitin' for a paddlin'!



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I am all for parental rights but don't spank and would prefer our government spent more on children than war. No children should not be forced to work 7 days a week but I am certain that is against the law anyways. I do have an issue with being told that my children get to make their own education, religious or medical decisions before they are of age. Don't take that as I wouldn't take their opinion into consideration but it is just that an opinion because as their mother it is my responsibility to make the final determination on those matters.

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I also don't believe you quite grasp how these treaties work. They do not act as law in any way. They simply set guidelines for nations.


Our constitution states that if it is in a treaty we agree to we must follow it so in a sense it can and will set laws for our government. Just because a treaty is meant as a set of guidelines for nations does not mean that is how it will work in this country. As long as the treaty does not go against the US constitution we must follow it. So while the states currently can make certain determinations without the federal government, a treaty can put federal rules into place that supersede state laws.

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Personally, I have a special feeling about the pro-spanking "parental rights" groups. I like that they are so open about their love for spanking. They also think it's awful to spend more on children than war, and give children the legal right to leisure. I love to see positions so clearly spelled out. It's refreshing.


I <3 fetuses!

Another bare behind, just waitin' for a paddlin'!


Snort!! :lol:

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Our constitution states that if it is in a treaty we agree to we must follow it so in a sense it can and will set laws for our government. Just because a treaty is meant as a set of guidelines for nations does not mean that is how it will work in this country. As long as the treaty does not go against the US constitution we must follow it. So while the states currently can make certain determinations without the federal government, a treaty can put federal rules into place that supersede state laws.


I really can't explain it to you any further as you clearly don't get how a treaty (particularly this one) relates to US laws.

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Our constitution states that if it is in a treaty we agree to we must follow it so in a sense it can and will set laws for our government.


Did you bother to read the links that I posted? It won't, it doesn't, it *can't*-according to how SCOTUS has interpreted the constitution (neither you, nor any talking head gets to interpret it for yourselves).


Just because a treaty is meant as a set of guidelines for nations does not mean that is how it will work in this country.


Are you aware that we HAVE signed numerous conventions and that is exactly how it has worked? Are you aware that Ronald Reagan signed UN Conventions?

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Personally, I have a special feeling about the pro-spanking "parental rights" groups. I like that they are so open about their love for spanking. They also think it's awful to spend more on children than war, and give children the legal right to leisure. I love to see positions so clearly spelled out. It's refreshing.



I <3 fetuses!

Another bare behind, just waitin' for a paddlin'!




Oh. I totally get why people spew wine/coffee/moonshine all over their keyboards. Thanks for that.


This is the funniest thing I've ever read on the internet.

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