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Probably the dumbest question ever asked, but do your dc have a prob reading more...

Mom to Aly

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than one book at a time? I used to do this and have no prob keeping them straight, at least in high school and college (aghh, lit major in college, I had to read 5 sometimes), but I'm wondering if my dd9 can do this? I mean, she does read pleasure books along with a school lit book, but can she do another at the same time without confusing them if they are not read every day? Do you do this with your kids?:confused:


Thank you!

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My dd9 reads 4 or 5 per day without getting them confused. She does read them every day though, except weekends. My dd13 has about 5 books going right now herself. Neither of them have any problem.


Now, myself, on the other hand, I end up getting the characters mixed up and confused if I am reading more than one fiction book at a time.

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My dd does read books for pleasure more than one at a time, often three or four, but I am wondering if, if it is for school work, where she really has to remember details, keep them completely separate, write reports or answer questions, and it isn't read every day (like skipping weekends or a day or two during the week), it will make a diff?


Told it was a dumb ques, but do you see what I mean?

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My dd does read books for pleasure more than one at a time, often three or four, but I am wondering if, if it is for school work, where she really has to remember details, keep them completely separate, write reports or answer questions, and it isn't read every day (like skipping weekends or a day or two during the week), it will make a diff?


Well, the books my dd are reading are for her history and her science, as well as for pleasure, and she does fine. If she can keep up with several for pleasure, I'd think she could do so for school as well. I find the pleasure ones the hardest to keep straight myself.

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I can remember once in elementary school taking some sort of a literature test, and confusing the plot and characters of the assigned book with a book I was reading for pleasure. However, I do suspect that my reading comprehension at that time wasn't what it should have been. I certainly don't have that trouble now and neither does my 10YO son. I've even asked him if he ever gets stories confused (because often the ones he reads are quite similar); but he said no.

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