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If you have your child journal, do you....

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I just leave it. Sometimes Astro asks how to spell something, and I usually don't spell it for him (but Link has before when I'm not in the room ;) ). Overall I just want to get him thinking about sentence structure and stuff for himself. The rest will fall into place with the instruction he gets the rest of the time. :)

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personal journal: no, never. I ask that she write in her personal journal at a minimum of once/week. I never even look. We have an agreement about that.


Academic journals: for her science journal I require complete, correct sentences but otherwise I'm looking for what she did and learned from the science. I only correct the science terms that are misspelled. However, if she started getting lazy or the errors started going all over the place, I'd feel I had to step in and make corrections at least for a while. For her vocabulary journal that she'll start this year, I'll have to require correct punctuation and spelling, et c. I'll correct it if needed.

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For the last few years, I have my older ds write in his "daily journal." I don't correct anything, since the goal is just to let him write without stressing about spelling, grammar and mechanics.


A daily journal is a great way to see how much of our composition/spelling/grammar instruction is being internalized.

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We don't do journals as such, but we do Oral Creative Writing (storytelling)


She narrates, and I scribe. I don't correct any grammar, or fix up what she says at all (unless she's in the middle of talking, and goes "no wait" and backtracks, then obviously I do the same.


Once she's actually writing, I will have her do the same thing. Story telling/Creative writing about whatever she wants, and no corrections will be made.


But I live under the assumption, that there should be a time just for the child to freely write and not feel like he/she is making mistakes. Just somewhere to get her thoughts out, bring their self-esteem up, and provide an outlet.


Sometimes we do an alternative editor game.I'll be both the scribe and the editor, so if she has true "writer's block" I will provide some ideas/keywords to get her going again, then after its been scribed, I become the editor, and correct it for publication ;)


Even as she gets older, I think I will keep in a journal/book/time when she can just write, not worrying about usage or spelling errors.

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