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alternative medicine/female question

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Has she been checked for PCOS? That would be something that many doctors miss, causes amenses and is often treated well with Metformin.


However, if she wishes to totally avoid traditional meds, Chaste Tree Berry (Vitex) helps to naturally stabilize hormonal imbalances. I am under the impression that it is safer than some of the other alternative remedies, but I AM NOT AN EXPERT AND HAVE NO REAL CLUE.


I only know it works for halping to regulate PCOS sympoms.




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Her best bet would be to have her hormone levels checked by someone who understands them. Try a compounding pharmacist or naturopathic doctor.


She may need natural progesterone cream or something on certain days. I'd recommend finding a professional who can advise.

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Not a doctor or an expert here, either.


Is she a serious athlete, or very underweight? Those can also cause amenses.



I wondered the same thing. She should have a complete physical to make sure there isn't more going on. Thyroid checked as well.


Yellow Dock and Red Raspberry Leaf can work well for regulation, but if she is completely skipping her period that's odd. Hormonal birth control can wreak havoc as well.

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Herbs are exactly like medicine. Because an herb works for a symptom doesn't mean it will fix the problems.


For example, I have a cough. Someone will tell me to take cough medicine. It would normally work for a cough. But if I left out the information that I have early stage emphysema, that would be pretty relevant.


PCOS affects the hormones, but that is a symptom of the underlying cause. It's an endocrine disease and related to diabetes, insulin malfunction, and being overweight... although those are most like symptoms, not causes.


Vitex (Chaste Berry) is a regulator. It will tend to assist women (for example) who are nursing revive their menses. Yellow Dock may also be appropriate in this case. I would highly suggest she get in touch with a local naturopath or herbalist who can talk to her in person and get her case history. There is much more to herbalism than just taking the herb.

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