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Update on my allergies!

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Remember my ranting about how awful they were and how nothing but Benedryl was working? There was discussion about my allergy to cockroaches and the connection to shellfish. I finally saw an allergist for the first time in over 10yrs.


I had 49 scratch tests and 7 intradermal. And the results are in:





1. GS7 Grass Mix - 0

2. Bermuda - 0

3. Johnson - 3/15



1. Ragweed Mix - 0

2. Cocklebur - 0

3. Pigweed - 0

4. Lamb's Quarter - 0

5. English Plantain - 0

6. Dock/Sorrel mix - 0

7. Goldenrod - 0

8. Firebush - 0

9. Russian Thistle - 0

10. West Water hemp - 0



1. Oak, Red - 0

2. Elm - 3/15

3. Maple/Box Elder - 4/25

4. Ash - 3/10

5. Hickory - 7/30

6. Birch - 9/30

7. Cottonwood - 5/15

8. Pine - 0

9. Walnut - 7/30

10. Willow - 5/20

11. Mulberrry - 5/10

12. Poplar - 6/20

13. Corn Pollen - 5/25



Alternaria - 0

Helminthosporium - 0

Hormodendrum - 0

Epicoccum - 0

Penicillium - 0

Fusarium - 0

Stemphylium - 0

Botrytis - 0

Curvularia - 0

Pullularia - 0

Phoma Betae - 0

Chaetomium - 0

Trichophyton - 0

Mucor - 0

Rhizopus - 0

Aspergillus - 0



Dust Mite-Df - 10/50

Dust Mite-Dp - 9/45

Cockroach (mix) - 0

Cat - 5/12

Dog - 0

Diluent - 0

Histamine - 6/30




1. Grass - 16/70

2. Ragweed - 5/30

3. Mold Mix A - 7/40

4. Mold Mix B - 8/40

5. Mold Mix C - 7/40

6. Aspergillus - 0

7. Dog - 0


So....she says, I'm allergic to trees, grasses, weeds, dust mites, mold, and cats, but apparently am no longer allergic to cockroaches. :) With the level of my allergies, she said that there is no way any of the regular allergy meds will touch it - especially alone. So....here's her suggestion:


Zyrtec (10mg) 2x/day (every 12hrs)

Singulair (10mg) 1x/day

Qnasl 1 spray/nostril daily

Zaditor eye drops as needed

Xopenex as needed (instead of albuterol)



I haven't gotten the Singulair yet, because she said it will go generic in August and cost me significantly less, so I'm waiting for that. I'm also struggling to remember to take the Zyrtec 2x/day. So, I can't say for sure if it's working. Sigh.


Anyway, just thought I'd update :)

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Answers are good!


That sounds similar to what the allergist said for my 7yo son. His scratch tests came back with some grasses and molds, mostly, with indefinitive for cats and dogs (meaning they don't consider him to be allergic to them now, but he could develop allergies to them in the future). His allergist prescribed:


-Zyrtec once a day

-Fluticasone nasal spray, one spray in each nostril, twice a day

-Albuterol before running around and as needed


I take Zyrtec myself on many spring/summer days but don't take it if I don't need it. If I don't need it, I don't always give it to my son; it just depends on how the day feels. For instance, it rained heavily the last two days, so the air is very clear today; I did not wake up stuffy at all, so I didn't take the Zyrtec. I did give it to DS7, though, because he was going somewhere with Daddy this morning where they'd be outside. So if the Zyrtec makes you feel weird or anything, I think it's reasonable to do some trial and error to see that you're taking it only when you really need it.


(If I don't take Zyrtec in the morning and find I need something later, then I take Benadryl, as I'm afraid that the Zyrtec, being non-drowsy, will keep me from sleeping.)


The nasal spray really cleared up his post-nasal drip cough in the winter; he's been off it for a while this summer, and the cough hasn't returned; if it does, I'll give start the spray again.

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(If I don't take Zyrtec in the morning and find I need something later, then I take Benadryl, as I'm afraid that the Zyrtec, being non-drowsy, will keep me from sleeping.)




Really? :001_huh: Zyrtec makes my kids drowsy, so we give it to them before bed. Claritin otoh, would keep me from sleeping if I took it at night, so I take it in the morning.


Funny how these things affect people so differently. :001_smile:

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I'm not much good at interpreting test results, but it looks to me like you could get a dog. yay! (;))


I've been on Claritin since March. It's nice to be able to breathe again. Hope you get some relief soon.


We actually have one, so it was kinda funny, because as soon as we got confirmation that the dog test was negative we both said "phew....guess the dog gets to stay".



Answers are good!


That sounds similar to what the allergist said for my 7yo son. His scratch tests came back with some grasses and molds, mostly, with indefinitive for cats and dogs (meaning they don't consider him to be allergic to them now, but he could develop allergies to them in the future). His allergist prescribed:


-Zyrtec once a day

-Fluticasone nasal spray, one spray in each nostril, twice a day

-Albuterol before running around and as needed


I take Zyrtec myself on many spring/summer days but don't take it if I don't need it. If I don't need it, I don't always give it to my son; it just depends on how the day feels. For instance, it rained heavily the last two days, so the air is very clear today; I did not wake up stuffy at all, so I didn't take the Zyrtec. I did give it to DS7, though, because he was going somewhere with Daddy this morning where they'd be outside. So if the Zyrtec makes you feel weird or anything, I think it's reasonable to do some trial and error to see that you're taking it only when you really need it.


(If I don't take Zyrtec in the morning and find I need something later, then I take Benadryl, as I'm afraid that the Zyrtec, being non-drowsy, will keep me from sleeping.)


The nasal spray really cleared up his post-nasal drip cough in the winter; he's been off it for a while this summer, and the cough hasn't returned; if it does, I'll give start the spray again.


I don't think there is any way I could skip a day. Even taking one a day, I often don't see relief. I can honestly say I do not remember the last time my nose/sinuses were clear. That was the reason for my visit to the allergist in the first place. I was miserable daily and even the regular dose of any of the main 3 meds (Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra) was not helping. The only thing that would even take the edge off was Benedryl - and I can't live on that!


So far, I haven't had any trouble with sleep issues on Zyrtec (crosses fingers).

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