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How long after your gallbladder surgery did you feel normal?

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Sorry to bring this up again, but I don't know what to think. I had been feeling wonderful until Sunday when I had that attack. Now I feel like I did before I even had surgery. I just saw the surgeon for my post surgery visit and he said it it perfectly normal to feel like this for a bit, but that it could mean that I have a leak somehwhere in there and he referred me to the gastrologist. The ER doctor thought I had a leak in there, but then they figured it was a stone etc. So now I don't know what to think. I am praying I start feeling normal and this ends. The last thing I need is more surgery. :glare:

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I had zero complications and was back to myself in a day or so. (Of course, I was also only a teenager, no kids/c-sections/etc. - basically a lot more resiliant, I think!) I hope you're feeling better soon, Jean!

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As I recall, I was about 5 weeks post-partum when I had the surgery. It took me 2 weeks to really be able to take care of my infant daughter without help as I was excessively fatigued. I had to take pain meds for only about 4-5 days, though.


But then I couldn't eat fatty foods without intense stomach pain for about 3 years afterwards. I didn't have the extreme attacks like with the gall bladder, but the pain was severe enough that I couldn't function quite normally. I put myself onto a very low fat diet during that time and was very careful. Then gradually my body relearned how to digest fat without that concentrated bile, and I reverted to my fat, unhealthy, but happy diet that I have right now, LOL.


The surgeon said that this reaction was unusual, but I know of a couple of others who have had difficulties with rich food or with very acidic food for quite a while after having had this surgery. Still, it's better than those attacks.

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It took me a long time to recover from this surgery for some reason. I was down and out for some time. I now suffer from frequent indigestion which I rarely had before the surgery.


I hope you feel better soon, sweetie.

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Hi Jean, so sorry that you are still feeling poorly. If you remember, I posted on the earlier thread that my GB was infected and I had to stay one night and then go home with a drain tube which stayed in for a week. But after it was removed a week after my surgery I started to feel better. I would say that it took me 3 weeks to really feel myself. There are some foods that still really bother me, such as onions and peppers and I try to eat low fat and avoid red meat. I really hope that there isn't a leak in your system. Sometimes stones can move and maybe they missed one that had started to travel. Loreen

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I have no pain from the surgery and I would guess that was gone within a few days. I have energy and have walked on the treadmill a few times and I was feeling @ 90% normal until that thing on Sunday happened. Now I have this pinching pain under my right rib and my right shoudler blade hurts, plus pressure and discomfort inthe midle of my chest; It feels just like it did pre-surgery! I eat a very low fat, high fiber vegan diet so it doesn't make sense. How aggrevating. :glare:


Thanks again for the replies.

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Sometimes stones can move and maybe they missed one that had started to travel. Loreen


They do think I had a stone that got left behind and moved, which caused the attack on Sunday. I am praying that the pain I have now is healing from that and that in a few days I am better. Im not terribly uncomfortable, but just expected to be 100% by now.

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