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Advice needed!! Biology or Anatomy? WH or Geography?

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OK, my ds is registered in a small private Christian high school for the fall (10th grade). There was a little issue with his classes due to us having homeschooled and doing things...well...out of order. Haha. So he wasn't getting any of the electives he wanted because of primary class conflict issues. Loooong story short we were able to clear his schedule for his Drama elective if he takes Anatomy instead of Biology, and Geography instead of World History. My ds would rather take Anatomy, but he really doesn't care one way or the other, and they said that his MFW AHL from last year will be listed as a WH credit on his transcript so it would be better for him to take Geography.


So, my concerns are...


Does one HAVE to take Biology in high school for a life science lab or would the harder Anatomy class offered be fine? (The Anatomy class actually has Biology as the prerequisite, but that didn't seem to be a concern to the school). He would then take Chemistry in 11th and Physics in 12th....or maybe Honors or AP Biology in 11th and Chemistry in 12th??


And is it OK for a high school student to not study modern 20th century World History? :confused: Yes, AHL will cover his WH credit, but it's only Ancient World History. Should I worry about that, or does it just not matter in the scheme of things? Is Geography more important? He has covered the middle ages, and plenty of ancient over the course of his schooling, but very, very little modern history. No doubt he'll cover that in college, but gosh... should I be concerned? Maybe I should get a bunch of WH Documentarys from Netflix and watch them over the summer. :lol: It's so hard to NOT think like/be a homeschooler. :tongue_smilie:


(Taking deep breath) Someone walk me off this ledge...please? :blink:

Edited by Melissa in CA
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I am posting to bump you mainly. I think the anatomy and geography will be fine. He can't do the ap biology now? My one concern is I know some states need biology in high school for state scholarship money.

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Thanks for the bump. :001_smile:


I guess I am just concerned long term. If, for instance, my ds cannot get into a biology class in either 11th or 12th grades due to schedule conflicts, what is a college going to think with this line up:


Integrated Chemistry & Physics





or even this one which eliminates Physics:


Integrated Chemistry & Physics



AP Biology


Which looks better to you?


Is it uber important to colleges that a student to take Biology in high school...or is any life science OK, such as Anatomy? I've been googling my face off but can't seem to find any info that answers that question. :tongue_smilie: Or Physics...is it as important or more important as Biology? I know not every student can handle Physics though. My oldest ds could not, so he didn't take it. He didn't take Chemistry either! He has a slight LD though and had no intention of a 4 yr university. He went the cc route and has been just fine...even took and passed on Deans Honor Roll an intense 18 mth LVN course. So I KNOW if my youngest ds goes the cc route he'll be just fine. His brain works TO well sometimes! haha


Anyhow, the social studies question isn't as worrisome to me. But I know how picky colleges can be. Not sure my ds will even attend a 4 yr right away...but I don't want to ruin any chances for him just in case., you know?


(sigh) I'm surprised no one has voiced an opinion. Very un-HIVE-like! :lol:

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You don't say what your son's future plans are--


A future engineer or physics or chemistry major needs physics, and a future in a health science career needs the biology option.


If his future college major is in the liberal arts, history, business, etc, the specific science matters less.


Some colleges also want to know that you did labs, and didn't just read a textbook. If any of the choices are light on lab work, skip them.

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The issue with the anatomy is that he's going into an intensive, memorization-driven course his first year in the school. Something to think about, whether that fits his learning style. No biggee on AHL being listed on his transcript as WH. If he does a US history class later, he'll hit that 2nd half of world history that he missed.


Is this drama class really important to him? It would be a bummer to change everything else and realize it wasn't that great. Maybe there's a club or school play that could substitute?


Solve the physics and AP bio question when you get there. :)

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You don't say what your son's future plans are--


A future engineer or physics or chemistry major needs physics, and a future in a health science career needs the biology option.


If his future college major is in the liberal arts, history, business, etc, the specific science matters less.


Some colleges also want to know that you did labs, and didn't just read a textbook. If any of the choices are light on lab work, skip them.


At this point and time, unless something drastically changes, he will be a liberal arts major of some kind. He likes science, but it's not a passion. His passion is theatre arts....arg...which is why being in the drama club/class is so important to him. He also waffles back and forth about being a pastor some day. So, all that to say, engineering will NOT be something he pursues as he does not care at all for math, nor any science related field unless his personality/desires change. He's a social, communicative, relational based person.


As for the labs. In the Anatomy class each student will be dissecting a cat. Which may be why biology is listed as a prereq. :confused:

Edited by Melissa in CA
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