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Chicken Mummy- questions


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So we started the process to make our chicken mummy. It's covered in salt, and I changed the salt mixture two days in.

Can you tell me what to expect from here?


How long before it's "done"?


How will I know he is done and ready to be wrapped?


Why am I using glue when wrapping it? Doesn't that make it a paper mache chicken mummy?


I was told it didn't smell. It smells a little right now (only when I open the lid to change the salt) and not in a good way. Is this expected? When will the smell be gone?




I blogged about it today if you want to see what we did so far- for those of you not sure what the SOTW chicken mummy is.

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Can I just tell you how much I am scared of that project??


LOL! It hasn't been too bad so far, but I admit, I am not so sure of this chicken sitting on my counter. I'd like to speed up the process and get to the part when it is a mummy and no longer meat!

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Doesn't the instructions tell yu about how long it'll take? I could get up and look myself, but I'm too lazy. We did that project a couple years ago and loved it. Somehow, I think we left it in the salt for a couple of weeks. Yes, the glue does kind of make it a paper mâché mummy, except that we wrapped it in strips of muslin I had left over from a sewing project. So that would make it muslin mâché.

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The instructions say change the salt daily the first week, then only once per week for 6 weeks.


I have written in my book suggestions that someone on this board made: "change more frequently in the beginning - every 2 hours the first day".


So maybe change the salt more often? Hopefully it isn't rotting!!!

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Doesn't the instructions tell yu about how long it'll take? I could get up and look myself, but I'm too lazy. We did that project a couple years ago and loved it. Somehow, I think we left it in the salt for a couple of weeks. Yes, the glue does kind of make it a paper mâché mummy, except that we wrapped it in strips of muslin I had left over from a sewing project. So that would make it muslin mâché.


We used linen strips from some fabric a grandmother had given us. Dd dressed in a linen shift to wrap the strips -- I had to iron pleats into the linen shift to make it seem more authentically Egyptian.


Ah, sigh ... memories. That was about 10 years ago. We've moved states since then, and had the house packed up by professional movers, who never questioned why we had a mummified chicken in our basement. It's still around here somewhere. Sometimes I think about burying it in a metal container, then moving again and letting some future homeowner unearth it....

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