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Just checking to see if any other parents have a child suffering with severe ezcema and have been to a million doctors and taken out a million foods with no change?? My daughter is 8 and is allergic to eggs, milk, peanuts, treenuts, coconut(which is in some form in every soap and shampoo), trees, grass, breathing...lol jk. But some days it seems like it:) We have gone through all the nights you spend crying and praying many times. She is not totally better now though I know one day she will be but we did in December just start bathing her with dead sea salt (by adovia) everynight or everyother night and letting her soak for about 10 or 15 minutes in it and the sores all over her body were gone in about 2 weeks. Keep in mind I use no soaps or shampoos bc of her allergy even on her hair which stays clean and ungreasy somehow:) Also all the ezcema that was on her head is gone! She is still alittle dry on her face and has breakouts to heat every now and then but Her allergy doctor was amazed the next time I brought her. So hopefully maybe this will help someone else!

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oatmeal-wet wraps-Sween Cream


These were all life savers for us. My youngest son, 4yo, developed eczema at about 2 months old. He looked like a burn victim. His nickname was Tomato Baby. I understand the heartache- for both of you. My son has grown out of the majority of it except knees- front and back. We couldn't ever directly link it to anything in his diet. Heat and sweat seem to be the biggest problems. Also, when he gets upset, irritated, mad- he gets itchy. I remember thinking (pre-homeschooling day) if this doesn't go away, how is he possibly going to go to school? It's great now, because he can communicate with me about it. As an infant, it was NOT fun to keep him from scratching. It was this endless cycle of red itchy skin to broken skin (from scratching). He has come along way. It traveled from his face, down his trunk, to his extremities. That is what they told me it would do as an infant and over the course of a few years, it did. We did use Elidell (Rx) for a bit. I know, I know. Black box warning...rats dying... We were desperate. It's like he had this life altering medical condition, but people would just treat him/us like he a dry skin and that was it. Oh, the uncontrollable itching he went through. It makes me a bit emotional thinking about it. I still remember him lying on the changing table as we went through our treatment routine and he was miserable and I would cry. Anyway, that is my experience with eczema.


We never used any form of soap on him until within the past year. I know- people give me :001_huh: when I say that. I would put a cup of oatmeal in a coffee bean grinder every night for his bath. It helped tremendously.


When it was just too intense, we would wet strips of a white cloth (in oatmeal water), wrap them around the affected area, and then wrap "ace bandages" over them to keep them in place- and then sleep like this. take them off in the morning and immediately use cream/lotion of choice.


We stumbled upon Sween Cream by an elderly relative with wounds. It is for wound healing. I can't describe it. I LOVE the smell. It works miracles on his skin. It feels like the perfect balance between a lotion and cream to me. You only need very small amounts.


I feel ya. Poor kids.

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oatmeal-wet wraps-Sween Cream


Heat and sweat seem to be the biggest problems. Also, when he gets upset, irritated, mad- he gets itchy. I remember thinking (pre-homeschooling day) if this doesn't go away, how is he possibly going to go to school? It's great now, because he can communicate with me about it. As an infant, it was NOT fun to keep him from scratching. It was this endless cycle of red itchy skin to broken skin (from scratching). He has come along way. It traveled from his face, down his trunk, to his extremities. That is what they told me it would do as an infant and over the course of a few years, it did.


Unbelievable! That is exactly what happened to my daugter- starting at her face and going down but none of my doctors ever knew enough to tell me what was happening! Also the Heat & sweat and getting irritated set hers off the most. I'm just amazed bc you are the first one to actually describe what my daughter is going through. Did they tell you it is just eczema and nothing else also how long has it taken for him to grow out of most of it? Sorry for the questions but I figure since it is so similar you can answer better than my doctors. And don't worry I've tried my share of Rx creams sometimes you are so desperate you try anything but they never seem to work very well. One more question another thing that happens to her is any lotion or liquid I try to put on her automatically makes her start itching and she turns red. I have even tried olive oil, coconut oil, emu oil, castor oil, Vaseline(i know bad:(), ceytephl, aquafor, and every other lotion available and they all do the same thing. Has that happened to your son? I probably will try the sween cream -even though she is better she is still real dry since I can't use anything else- but I am afraid it will be the same result itching and redness. Thanks!!

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I am so glad to be getting some new ideas. My son is 7 and has had the severe excema like you two have described for years. He has just had allergy testing done(after over a year of begging his dr to do it) and has allergies to milk and soy. The skin that looked burned still looks burned, but the bleeding rashes have gone down sooo much. I get emotional just typing it as well. The pain and itching he went through, and the drs who just didn't take the time to help, rather blew us off.I took him to the er one night because he was screaming from the pain. That was the only Dr. who seemed to care and actually tried to help.

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That's awesome.


My son had eczema all over when he was a baby. It was caused by detergents. He can use soap, body wash, shampoo now. I don't know if laundry soap would be a problem because I still use stuff that is safe.


I get very itchy if I use detergent also. I was able to narrow it down to sodium lauryl sulfate. We use a vegetable based laundry soap from Costco that doesn't have SLS in it. I don't use soap at all, most of the time, though I sometimes use a glycerine based bar soap. I use baking soda rinses for shampoo and vinegar rinse for conditioner. I even have to use toothpaste that doesn't have SLS in it because it makes my gums and cheeks swell.

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The skin that looked burned still looks burned, but the bleeding rashes have gone down sooo much.


The dead sea salt definitely helped my daughter's burned look! I got it from Cleopatra's choice I bought 60 lbs of it and it cost about $100, I put 2 cups of it in every bath. trust me you will see an amazing difference!

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That's awesome.




I get very itchy if I use detergent also. I was able to narrow it down to sodium lauryl sulfate. We use a vegetable based laundry soap from Costco that doesn't have SLS in it.


I will definitely go to Costco and look for that! We have tried to take out all SLS but laundry soap is very hard to find & toothpaste. What kind do you use? Thanks so much!

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UGH! I feel the pain in this thread!! MY DS8 is finally starting to get some relief. I love the doctors who told me he'll outgrow it by the time he's 3. He as multiple food allergies and environmental allergies as well. It's awful to feel so helpless when the little one is crying and you can't fix it. :grouphug:

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Ok, I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one with a screaming kid at night. We've just recently tried the gluten and dairy free thing. I'm pretty sure it's the gluten for Digby, although I haven't ruled out the dairy yet. The last two days, the boys got into a loaf of pumpkin bread when I was taking care of Chuck. And the last two nights, Digby was awake screaming and inconsolable.


Thank you for all the tips. And :grouphug: to all you mamas and your kids. He doesn't have it too bad, but bad enough to be miserable. :grouphug::grouphug:

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And if you're going crazy cuz your little girl is screaming with itching, and you're out near nothing but a country store... remember that Crisco rubbed all over will make her settle. It's great for moisturizing :) After a bath you pat dry and slather it on their body... then they sit in a soft sheet and watch Strawberry Shortcake while it soaks in... Hmmmm.... now my baby is almost 14!!!!

Also... remember that if your kids are allergic to peanuts that they shouldn't have soy. (And, if your child has skin issues don't give them high allergen foods until tested...)

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The only soaps my daughter can use are by Keys Soap. She has no reaction at all to the Island Rx soap.


Their products were developed for a woman who developed ultra-sensitive skin after undergoing treatment for skin cancer. They even have a line for pets with sensitive skin.




Switching to Charlie's Soap for our laundry was also a breakthrough for us, but I have read that it doesn't work for everyone.

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