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Mini trampolines/rebounders: can you recommend one?

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I have had 3:

A cheapie from Walmart (terrible!)

An Urban Rebounder (squeaky! but decent. But squeaky!)

A JumpSport 350 (love it! kids love it, too!)


So unless you can't tell from the above, I recommend the JumpSport. It's got some of the benefits of a higher-end bungee, but a smaller pricetag. Bought mine from Amazon. (I really wanted a Bellicon but I couldn't justify the price!)

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Oh, wow. I can see why it's so great. I didn't realize I would have to spend that kind of money. EEK!


I have had 3:

A cheapie from Walmart (terrible!)

An Urban Rebounder (squeaky! but decent. But squeaky!)

A JumpSport 350 (love it! kids love it, too!)


So unless you can't tell from the above, I recommend the JumpSport. It's got some of the benefits of a higher-end bungee, but a smaller pricetag. Bought mine from Amazon. (I really wanted a Bellicon but I couldn't justify the price!)

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We have had this one http://www.amazon.com/Airzone-38-Inch-Mini-Band-Trampoline/dp/B000067Q0P/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1341951812&sr=8-1&keywords=airzone+band+trampoline

for 2 years now. My husband and I do not use it, but it has seen tons of use by my 3 older children and some of their friends. My boys even jump off of the train table and land in the center of it, and it is still going strong. My heaviest child is just under 50lbs if that helps. Due to its smaller size, I only allow one kid to jump at a time. They just kept clobbering each other while jumping.

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Well, I guess the question is: what are you going to use it for?


I bought my JumpSport for *me* -- it was my birthday present last year. And I use it 30+ minutes at a go, several days a week. I play Walk It Out (Wii) on it. It's my indoor cardio. Because I already have knee and ankle issues, I didn't want to go cheap and further aggravate them.


If I were just buying one for my children to play on, then I think cheap-ish is okay. You could probably even find decent ones on craigslist.

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I have an Urban Rebounder and I LOVE it. Like Alison said, it is squeaky, but I don't mind since I use it while my stereo is up REALLY loud in the workout room. :D I've had a Wal-Mart cheapie before and all I can say is DON'T DO IT! Seriously, I jumped on it less than 2 min. and my hips were so jarred I could barely walk for a week. I've had my U.R. for about 4 yrs. and I've never had that happen with it.


I know someone who swears by the Bellicon, though I would never pay that kind of money for a rebounder.

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I want one for my stress incontinence issues. Yes, I just said that.


Well, I guess the question is: what are you going to use it for?


I bought my JumpSport for *me* -- it was my birthday present last year. And I use it 30+ minutes at a go, several days a week. I play Walk It Out (Wii) on it. It's my indoor cardio. Because I already have knee and ankle issues, I didn't want to go cheap and further aggravate them.


If I were just buying one for my children to play on, then I think cheap-ish is okay. You could probably even find decent ones on craigslist.

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...Yes, I just said that.


Ah, yeah. I definitely get some pelvic floor/etc. exercise when I bounce! (I also, generally, have to stop 1-2x per workout to go potty.)


I would say that you probably want to *at least* look for something in the Urban Rebounder price range, if not better. No need to cause more damage (ankles, joints) when trying to heal another issue...


Good luck!

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I have the above but without the bar to hold on to. It works great and I picked it up at a thrift store for $19 :D DH thought I was nuts to spend that much on one that I could buy at Walmart for $25, but he now sees that the cheaper ones are made very differently! Mine doesn't squeak that badly, but compared to my very loud treadmill, it is quiet!

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I have the above but without the bar to hold on to. It works great and I picked it up at a thrift store for $19 :D DH thought I was nuts to spend that much on one that I could buy at Walmart for $25, but he now sees that the cheaper ones are made very differently! Mine doesn't squeak that badly, but compared to my very loud treadmill, it is quiet!


Yes, I was going to say that one can often find these at yard sales/thrift stores. I would NOT pay full price for it -- not when you can get a much better one for a little more...

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