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Mid life Crisis post.....

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Re the part I bolded~ I am doing that, too. I said to dd the other day that I understand now why many 'old people are cranky'. They just don't give a flip any more and say what they feel. It's sort of liberating! :D


:D. Oh no....I am officially old! And cranky! And loose lipped!:D

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Well, I've decided to change my style! I'll go slow because I'm not in high school and, although this is summertime,I can't show up at school in September with a radically different look.

I'm going rockabilly! My dear friend is helping me. I'm tired of fighting my curves so I'm going back in time about 60 years when Marilyn Monroe was the sexiest thing on earth and curves were adored and admired.

I've already got several pieces from my own wardrobe that'll work. My momma and I are hitting the stores with my friend's guidelines this weekend to get started.

I'm super excited and haven't felt this good about my appearance in ages.

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Well, I've decided to change my style! I'll go slow because I'm not in high school and, although this is summertime,I can't show up at school in September with a radically different look.

I'm going rockabilly! My dear friend is helping me. I'm tired of fighting my curves so I'm going back in time about 60 years when Marilyn Monroe was the sexiest thing on earth and curves were adored and admired.

I've already got several pieces from my own wardrobe that'll work. My momma and I are hitting the stores with my friend's guidelines this weekend to get started.

I'm super excited and haven't felt this good about my appearance in ages.


:D cool! Love it!!

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Funny that you posted this~~ I'm doing the same thing! In the last few weeks I have bought several new pairs of capris that are *not* denim. I even bought a pair in WHITE. My dd was stunned. She has never seen me in white bottoms before as I'm always too nervous about sitting in something or spilling something on myself.


I also have several new shirts that I LOVE and am planning on buying some cute jewelry to go with them. I have only worn my gold for the last 17 years.


I *love* the new me!! :D


Oooh...new look, new clothes....new jewelry! You are singing my song!

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I have just started going through some change of life things here . . .


I have suddenly decided I don't care what others think and I have decided it is okay to speak up and advocate for myself. My only concern is that, in a fit of hormones, I may fly off the handle.


Today was nearly one of those days . . . but I sat on the email I was getting ready to send and modified it after I got a grip. But I still stood up for myself.


So I am hoping that is one good thing that will come out of this!;)


I did this and flew off the handle. I lost friend over it, but I figure it's her loss.


I also had some plastic surgery in my 20's and another in my 30's. I'm saving to have more in my 40's. but I need to lose about 15-20 pounds first. I'm currently 37.



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Let's see.... I have all the piercings I plan to get, and most of my tattoos (have one more I want). I did all that in teens & twenties. I also did the dying my hair 4000 different shades/colors in my teens, so no need to revisit that. I have no desire to ever get plastic surgery. My dh will be doing the impractical & expensive car & motorcycle thing, so that would feel like copying.


I think I'll go back school, not sure for what. Maybe I'll also build an art studio in my backyard, a place just for me. I have no place where I can be alone. Seriously, I can't even go to the bathroom without someone talking to me through the door or arguing with each other just outside the door. If it's not dh or one of the kids, it's a cat or dog stuffing their paw under the door, scratching at the door, pushing the door open, jumping on my lap, etc. So, a studio that only I have a key to, where I can write, paint, etc. sounds so good.

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