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Does anyone hs with your children scattered around the house?

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Last year we hs around our dining room table. I liked the arrangement because I was able to help my kids stay on task. On the mornings that I noticed a child zoning out I was able to jump right in and help out. The downside was the noise. Between my three kids, I pretty much tutored someone all morning, and even though we whispered the noise pretty much frustrated the older two. We had a lot of tense moments last year due to the noise.


For next year I am thinking about setting up a tutoring station at one end of the dining table, putting my youngest at the other end and scattering the other two children to the den and breakfast table, far apart from each other, but still in ajoining rooms to the dining table. This would be for 3 hours each day for independent work then we would hook up in the afternoon for history and read alouds.


Do you think this would work? Any tips?


The other option is to move our hs upstairs to the back half of our game room. It is a dream hs spot, (light, roomy, wall space, built-in desks, sofa nearby) but I dread going up and down the stairs all day.


Looking forward to any input.

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I'm debating the same. We did HS all over the downstairs last year (all within ear-shot), but the little ones were always getting into mischief. We, too, have a huge playroom upstairs that I'm considering moving schooling to. The kids hardly ever use it unless friends are over and I'd like to contain the little ones with appropriate play up there.


I'm also worried about going up and down the stairs all day (but am 8mo pregnant right now and the thought is more daunting...but will have a newborn to drag up and down later). I also worry about having our school supplies up there where they could be gotten into. Decisions. Decisions.

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My dc get on each other's nerves too much if they're together! My older one is able to do more work on his own so I give him a clipboard with an assignment sheet and he goes into the living room to do his reading and workbook assignments. He can sit in a comfy chair to do his reading, and there's a family "heirloom" writing desk to use for writing assignments. For math, he and I sit at the kitchen table and go through the lesson together and then he completes the assignment there. During that time, I'm usually available to him if he needs help (I hang around and unload the dishwasher or something)...my dd will have computer time in the home office so she won't need me at the same time.


My dd doesn't do as much on her own, so she and I work primarily in the family room and the office (her math is computer-based). I got a great little tv table at Bed, Bath, and Beyond that we use in the family room. It can either be used flat or tilted at an angle (which is nice for writing).


I don't think I could cope if we had to stay in one schoolroom together! :eek:

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Jean - I think you are right that it all depends on the child. I really don't know how they would do and wish I had a crystal ball right now. Just the thought of moving our school room upstairs overwhelms me.


Laurie - thanks for the feedback and love your idea of the TV table.


MyCalling - looks like we are in the same boat. Congrats and you new arrival.


I still have no clue what we are going to do next year, but at least I have something to think about as I lie awake in bed at night. LOL!

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our house is small, so we don't have one room large enough to be the schoolroom. last winter I converted the 8 x 13 dining room to a "study room" that has bookshelves and the boys' desks and a storage cupboard. originally I thought we could do all our school there, but that did not work. so the boys (16 & 11) do their independent work in that room. the instruction in our house takes place at the dining table (now in the living room), which is far enough away that it does not bother the other boy too much. and if he is bothered, usually the oldest, he will put on headphones to listen to classical music, often the piece he is learning for piano or choir.


I don't know that you could do that with three, and so young. and while it would be good exercise to go up and down the stairs, I think it would get old after a while.


once I dreamed I had the perfect schoolroom. it was wonderful. oh, the longing!

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