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My OB/GYN thinks I have this. I am fairly young (33) and scared of possible major surgical treatment. Just looking to find anyone else who has had this health problem and what treatment you chose and how you feel now. Please PM as this is very personal for the main board.

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I did. Had hysterectomy Feb 29th and I feel much better.

BTW, my hysterectomy was laproscopic. AMAZING!


I asked on here and ONE person out of like 40 (and no people in real life) had something negative to say about a hysterectomy. Everyone was like, "I wish I had done it sooner." Let me tell you, I absolutely feel the exact same. I should have done it years ago! (note: my younger four children are not biological so saying that isn't wishing away any kids).

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I asked on here and ONE person out of like 40 (and no people in real life) had something negative to say about a hysterectomy. Everyone was like, "I wish I had done it sooner." Let me tell you, I absolutely feel the exact same. I should have done it years ago!


:iagree:I am sooooo glad that I had my hysterectomy! I had mine 3 years ago, I can't imagine how much worse my condition might have gotten in that 3 years. Having had all the children we intended to have, there was NO need for me to live with the discomfort and nonsense I was dealing with.

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Mine was discovered when I had a hysterectomy at age 35. I knew I had endo and cysts but I really think the adenomyosis was a huge contributor to my pain. Thanks to it my internal organs were attached to my spine. My gynecologist suspected it due to the amount of pain and the huge amount of flow I was experiencing each cycle. I am another that wishes I had given in and had my hysterectomy sooner. It was first recommended when I was 30. I am now 42 and live a much better quality of life.


I used to frequent a board called hystersisters. They had a pre-op section were alternatives to surgery were discussed. If it is still active, I highly recommend it.

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:grouphug::grouphug:I spent the two weeks of Christmas break, prior to my hysterectomy, on the couch watching my kids play. I could barely stand up. Cycles that lasted three weeks out of four robbed me of a lot of time and energy. I had my surgery at 40 and never looked back.


ETA: That said, there can still be a bit of mourning with the process. It signifies a shift in your abilities - an end and a beginning. If you choose surgery, respect the need to heal emotionally and physically.

Edited by swimmermom3
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I had endo, and found adeno during one of many surgeries. I tried many, many treatments to avoid a hysterectomy, but to no avail. I had my hyst at 28. I can't say I wish I'd done it sooner, because of my age at the time - I needed to know that I had tried everything before giving giving up my fertility. But had children not been an issue... the story there would be different. It is very liberating to live without debilitating pain!


I would highly recommend the above mentioned site, HysterSisters, as well.

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I have this. My OB diagnosed me with it at 27. The first year I was in a great deal of pain, but I could not have surgery, because my son was very sick and I had to care for him. About a year after the pain started it just stopped. I still have some uncomfortable times, but overall I feel fine most days. The thought of surgery now that I feel better really scares me, and given how much the surgical site I do have hurts (totally unrelated), no way do I want that kind of pain in my midsection. Good luck with your decison, it is hard to know what is best, and I might have made different choices if my circumstances were different at inital diagnosis.

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I did want to say that I was dx'd when I was VERY young and like dwkilburn, I also had a period of relative relief before it got bad (and never nearly as bad as it was when I was very young). Of course, then I had the hysterectomy and now feel I know what living is! But I do want to say that I also had a "remission" of sorts for quite awhile.

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I did want to say that I was dx'd when I was VERY young and like dwkilburn, I also had a period of relative relief before it got bad (and never nearly as bad as it was when I was very young). Of course, then I had the hysterectomy and now feel I know what living is! But I do want to say that I also had a "remission" of sorts for quite awhile.


Thank you for that info. I was really hoping the worst was over and I could avoid surgery. :glare:

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