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Sleep Study results

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Well, I DO have sleep apnea. I have to go BACK now and spend the night again with the C-Pap machine to calibrate it.


I hate sleeping (or trying to sleep) there.




Then they will order the C-Pap and I won't get it for another week!


The other irritating thing is that each visit with the sleep study doc is a co-pay of $35. So, initial visit, follow up visit, and now follow up to the new sleep study and then a follow up a few weeks later.


I know that isn't a huge amount......but I just wish they could have done all of it at once.



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Mine sleep studies were always done in one visit. They would wake me up after they had confirmed that I had sleep apnea and give the mask/machine to wear. the last time I started out the night with a mask on, as the SA DX was already confirmed. They were just adjusting the pressures.


So, I would assume that yes, you will be hooked up to at least some of the wires, possibly not all.

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I keep hearing that. I don't know WHY mine is 2 visits, but it is. GRRR!!!


Mine sleep studies were always done in one visit. They would wake me up after they had confirmed that I had sleep apnea and give the mask/machine to wear. the last time I started out the night with a mask on, as the SA DX was already confirmed. They were just adjusting the pressures.


So, I would assume that yes, you will be hooked up to at least some of the wires, possibly not all.

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I did a 2 night study.


Yes you will be all hooked up again. This night will be terrible. The mask will be too tight, and probably not a good one.


Learn as much as you can about your machine. You will be able to adjust a bunch of settings (except top pressure) to make things more comfortable. Same with the mask; make it comfortable.

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If you have a C-Pap, which mask did you get? I am going to have to choose.


there are so many to pick from that what we wear doesn't matter.

Part of your 2nd night at the Sleep study hotel will be to get fitted for a mask. Remember tho that what you take home that night does have to be the mask you end up keeping. They will need to know if you are a mouth breather, sleep on your side or your stomach and will measure your face to get the right size. To me it seems like most folks get fitted with the nose pillows, but I don't honestly know anyone who keeps that mask. Most end up with a mask that covers their nose or their mouth and their nose. Getting the right mask is to me the most difficult part of the whole thing. So, don't give up if the first mask doesn't fit. You should have 30 days to return a mask and try a different one.

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Those that get their studies done in one night typically have sever apnea. Those that it takes two studies it could be that it was a combo of how much your sleep was interrupted (RDI) or that your AHI was not all that bad until your REM periods were long at the end of the night.

The mask typically are tighter that what people put them on at home as we can see how much air is leaking and there for you are not getting. The mask does need to have a good seal but not so tight that it hurts or leaves marks typically.

Nasal pillows is what most people seem to pick the first night because it is the smallest or least amount on the face however for most people it is not a good long term mask

My newest fave is ResMed Ultra Mirage FX small with a great seal


Yes you should have all the wires hooked up to you again. We cant tell if it you are sleeping with out it.


We rather get the studies done in one night. That is one of the reasons we always tell people in my labs that sleep however you are comfortable but the more you are on your back the higher likelyhood you will have one study as apnea is worse on your back

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Ok, all done.


I actually slept better last night than the first night. I could tell that the times I was asleep were much more restful than without the CPAP.


I started with the sleep pillows in the nose and asked to switch around 3am. I slept with the whole nose piece from 3-6 but even with adjusting it leaked air and my eyes are VERY dry this morning.


I have ordered the nose pillows and will see how that goes. I was told I can switch them out if I need to.


They will order the CPAP for me today and it will take one or two weeks to arrive.


Glad it is over. My insurance covered 100% of the first night so I assume they will cover the 2nd as well. :D


So looking forward to getting actual SLEEP every night.


I had NO trouble using the machine. I was worried as I kept reading that breathing out was breathing against the incoming air and could be a problem. I thought I might feel like I was gagging but it was no trouble at all.



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Are you a technician?


Those that get their studies done in one night typically have sever apnea. Those that it takes two studies it could be that it was a combo of how much your sleep was interrupted (RDI) or that your AHI was not all that bad until your REM periods were long at the end of the night.

The mask typically are tighter that what people put them on at home as we can see how much air is leaking and there for you are not getting. The mask does need to have a good seal but not so tight that it hurts or leaves marks typically.

Nasal pillows is what most people seem to pick the first night because it is the smallest or least amount on the face however for most people it is not a good long term mask

My newest fave is ResMed Ultra Mirage FX small with a great seal


Yes you should have all the wires hooked up to you again. We cant tell if it you are sleeping with out it.


We rather get the studies done in one night. That is one of the reasons we always tell people in my labs that sleep however you are comfortable but the more you are on your back the higher likelyhood you will have one study as apnea is worse on your back

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I am one of those folks who have trouble breathing against the airflow, only I didn't know it. I never felt like I was gagging. I got a new CPAP machine 18 months ago and it corrects for that and I am now sleeping great.


No special pillow here. One gal I know bought one and eventually hated it. They are awfully expensive. I just mush up my pillow and push it out of the way. :001_smile:

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Oh man. I am breathing so well today and think I want to live with that thing on with pure oxygen!


I got a call and they will give me my CPAP on Tuesday.....can I sleep the next 4 nights without it? I feel like I got my drug dose and need another fix!

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