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s/o - Zinc or other supplements for glucose/insulin issues?

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What supplements do you take for your glucose/insulin issues (insulin resistance, PCOS, diabetes type 2, etc.)?


I'm only just finding out about zinc, thanks to the Hive. I don't know what has taken me so long to start looking into supplements for this stuff (I have pcos and my dad was a thin type 2 diabetic, so I'm fairly sure it's in the genes). I recently started taking ceylon cinnamon to help with this - I'm not overweight but would like to slim down a smitch, and of course I'm concerned about all the usual long-term affects of insulin resistance, etc. I'm not on metformin right now. Yesterday was my first day of zinc (to help with a mild amount of acne).


So, I google and find tons of articles about zinc. Example:


Diabetic patients have significantly lower mean serum zinc levels compared with healthy controls. Zinc supplementation for type-2 diabetics has beneficial effects in elevating their serum zinc level, and in improving their glycemic control that is shown by decreasing their HbA1c% concentration.


There are many other examples discussing the fact that type 2 diabetics excrete more zinc and that zinc may help with glyceminc control. I feel like I've been living under a rock. What other supplements am I missing out on? Anyone here take zinc for these issues, and does it seem to help?


(p.s., I'm not monitoring blood sugar levels at this time, with random exceptions, so I'm all unscientific about this right now....)

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Here's a website that summarizes some of the zinc and diabetes studies (same abstracts can be found at pubmed) http://www.holisticgumtreatment.com/index.php/Zinc/zinc-and-diabetes-mellitus-type-2-research.html


This link recommends less than 40 mg zinc per day as being safe http://thediabetesauthority.com/is-zinc-the-missing-link


another interesting zinc link http://www.diabetesexplained.com/zinc.html (includes recommended dose ranges for different types of people, both maintenance dose and therapeutic dose, toward the bottom)


still reading....

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Magnesium deficiency is common in those with IR.


Dr. Eades also advocates ALA IIRC.




Have you ever had your vit D levels checked? Low D is fairly common in diabetics and those with IR. Causality is debatable but not uncommon. Mine was low even though I was already supplementing pretty generously. I had to up mine even more.


eta: do you eat lower carb already? Have you ever read Gary Taubes?

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What supplements do you take for your glucose/insulin issues (insulin resistance, PCOS, diabetes type 2, etc.)?


I'm only just finding out about zinc, thanks to the Hive. I don't know what has taken me so long to start looking into supplements for this stuff (I have pcos and my dad was a thin type 2 diabetic, so I'm fairly sure it's in the genes). I recently started taking ceylon cinnamon to help with this - I'm not overweight but would like to slim down a smitch, and of course I'm concerned about all the usual long-term affects of insulin resistance, etc. I'm not on metformin right now. Yesterday was my first day of zinc (to help with a mild amount of acne).


So, I google and find tons of articles about zinc. Example:




There are many other examples discussing the fact that type 2 diabetics excrete more zinc and that zinc may help with glyceminc control. I feel like I've been living under a rock. What other supplements am I missing out on? Anyone here take zinc for these issues, and does it seem to help?


(p.s., I'm not monitoring blood sugar levels at this time, with random exceptions, so I'm all unscientific about this right now....)


Cinnamon! Add a quarter teaspoon to your daily intake! Does great things for blood sugar, I've read.

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Nothing has ever shown up on my blood tests, but I was having increasing issues with blood sugar for the last couple of years. I always had to have something with me, for fear of crashing. Then there were those threads awhile back on the special needs board about low-tone and a some discussion of metabolic issues, and it struck a chord with me because I was found to have a major vitamin B12 deficiency several years ago--even a neurologist who was a friend, not my doctor, suggested that my neurologist do some tests to find out why I would have this problem given my age and diet but my neurologist wouldn't do it. I had wondered if there could be something metabolic going on because of this and other issues in my family, so after reading the threads, I decided to start take B6 and folic acid, supplements that are recommended for some metabolic conditions, in addition to the B12, and I've seen a huge change. I'm not feeling the blood sugar ups and downs any more at all. I'm not testing it, though, it's just a feeling that I don't have to eat every 2 1/2 hours anymore or else. Other things are better, too.


The other thing that I added, and this was before I added the extra B's, is a new probiotic. I have a history of gut issues and have taken probies for years, but I tried Natren Healthy Trinity. I have gained weight so I think it's improving my digestion, which could also help my blood sugar, so it might not be the B's alone.


In addition to the zinc, cinnamon, and chromium, maybe you could try these other things.

Edited by NJKelli
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