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Holding a Child Back

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Have any of you officially held your hs child back?


We have a pretty unique situation with DD. We adopted her a little over a year ago, and because of the specific adoption requirements for her home country, we had to home school. :)


She came already years behind her peers in her home country, and their grade equivalents are behind typical American standards. She was thoroughly tested by our district and she is significantly behind grade level. (Significantly.) We were strongly encouraged to continue home schooling her from the group that tested her, and they felt like we had already made great progress all things considered.


When we enrolled her with the umbrella school, we listed her in 8th grade because of state requirements for age/grade placement. In 9th grade she must start an "official" transcript, and while she has made great progress, she does not yet have even the academic vocabulary for sciences/history let alone meeting minimum standards for math/language, etc. I would love another year to help her make some more progress.


Will be talking to our umbrella school tomorrow, but just wondered if anyone had any BTDT advice/insight.

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I held both of my big kids back in 5th and my 3rd born in 1st. We have to register in my province so it is in the registration papers filed with the school board that they repeated those grades. In the case of the oldest 2 it was mainly a maturity issues, but also for ds13 academically he needed another year to work on catching up before we hit junior high and high school. With 3rd born he was having so much trouble all year that there was no way he was ready to go into second so we redid 1st. I am very pleased that I held back each of them. Now that oldest is hitting 8th grade I am even more greatful that I held him back when I did as there is no way he would have been ready for 9th this coming fall.

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I absolutely would in your situation.


When I read these threads, it is usually of young children. In that case, I suggest people wait until the child is middle school age to make a decision. By 7th or 8th grade, you pretty much know if they are a 9th grader or a 6th grader academically, whether another year may help a little or whether you really don't need to take even the whole 3 years of middle school. By then, you have a good idea of the child's and family's goals. At that point, changing it up makes sense. It matters long term. It will determine whether a child will graduate at 16 or 19 or where inbetween.


Yes, if giving your daughter an extra year will help her really benefit better from the four years of high school, absolutely keep her back a year. :)

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I held dd13 back last year. She was supposed to be in 7th, but I felt she just did not make any academic progress due to behavioral and learning issues, not to mention she was behind going into 6th to begin with. I knew that there was no way I could get her ready for 9th in just two more years. I had her do a second year of 6th and am so happy that I did. She has made so much progress this year and we both feel more confident about being ready for highschool in 2 years from now.


In your situation I can't think of any reason NOT to give her more time before starting highschool.

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Oh my, she moved here as a teen (or almost teen), and she's already progressing? I'd definitely give her an extra year before starting on high school work. I don't think that anyone (employers, higher education) would hold it against her if she took an extra year to acclimate to the culture, language?, etc. before jumping in to high school.

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