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I have done the Unthinkable

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I can't believe I did it. I only did it because I'm forced to do so. I joined....(ahem) Facebook today. I have one friend, my husband. :D


My daughter may be attending a school this fall that requires Facebook access for the parent group. I don't know why they can't just send me emails! (grumble, grumble). I've now asked the PTB if I may join their august ranks. :tongue_smilie:


Watch 'em tell me...no!


I do not like giving up my privacy. I even posted a photo, but....I have shades on. ;)

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A few weeks ago DH had to join for some reason I've now forgotten, he gave minimal information and hasn't used it again since. None of the rest of us are at all interested in FB, and we've all teased him terribly, poor man.

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I joined fb a couple years ago thinking it would be a great way to keep in touch with family and friends that I never get to see. I've been torn, and come close many times to deleting my account. The only think keeping me on is the fact that I really do enjoy hearing from friends & family that live far away and I know I wouldn't have contact with if I didn't have fb. So, for now, I remain on fb, but I really limit who is my "friend" and has access to my info (which is very limited, as well).

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Since you're a reluctant FB user, you'll have to tell us how you like it in a few weeks. I closed my account over a year ago and I sometimes get the itch to re-join.


:iagree: Mine's been closed for more than a year. I sometimes think that I'd like to join so I could do the Facebook thing with people *here*, like when they all post links on a thread to friend each other. Or for other homeschooling/company stuff. I just Do. Not. Want. to have any IRL people. Well, maybe one or two. I have a good friend who is moving. I could deal with friending her. My uncle also lives far away, I'd like to re-add him. I'd have to figure out how to make it a "stealth ninja" account, though so that my outlaws wouldn't find out about it. I don't want to have to go through ignoring repeated friend requests and the whining that will go with that.

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Just an FYI, facebook now has a groups feature that is really nice. For me that means WTM groups, Orthodox homeschooling groups, Orthodox family groups and a couple others. I am enjoying the ease of use when it comes to sharing pictures...whether it is for sale items, project ideas, or recipes! :)

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I don't use FB like it's meant to be used. I have NO friends (except my son so I can keep an eye on him) and I don't post any status updates. I use it solely to be involved in the groups related to my life/activities (local swap group that's basically a yard sale online, the used homeschool curriculum swap board linked in my signature below, and a business related one for my direct sales business, etc.). I also use the messaging feature as an alternative to email. That's it. I don't go and read the status updates of others too very frequently nor try to keep anyone up on our family activity through this avenue. It's really helped me get out of the activity that used to induce me to spend hours there. Love it this way.

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