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OK I have officially had it with Dance Moms!!

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I have watched all the episodes up till now, but I just cannot stand to watch Paige cry one more time.


Man that woman is just so mean to these girls! I understand yelling sometimes cause I tend towards yelling but the things she says to them.


I cannot understand the mom's continuing to film this show.....don't they watch the episodes?


I just cannot sit through one more episode.

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I watched one clip of that show after my sister mentioned it and it was of a girl crying and the teacher being mean to her. I don't remember the girl's name but I was so very sad for her. The fact that this is thrown all over television as entertainment is just yucky. I know, I know, it's not even the worst thing on television, not the worst thing on reality tv. I don't have television and never did. (I have a television for watching netflix and movies and playing the Wii.) I guess I'm under exposed to just how awful tv programming is these days.


I wonder what these girls will think when they are older. Will they be in disbelief that their mother put them through that for dance, or will they be so used to be treated badly that they think that's just how you treat people...

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I watched one clip of that show after my sister mentioned it and it was of a girl crying and the teacher being mean to her. I don't remember the girl's name but I was so very sad for her. The fact that this is thrown all over television as entertainment is just yucky. I know, I know, it's not even the worst thing on television, not the worst thing on reality tv. I don't have television and never did. (I have a television for watching netflix and movies and playing the Wii.) I guess I'm under exposed to just how awful tv programming is these days.


I wonder what these girls will think when they are older. Will they be in disbelief that their mother put them through that for dance, or will they be so used to be treated badly that they think that's just how you treat people...[/QUOTE]



I saw commercials that was enough. Sadly these girls have learned at a vey young age they can be treated like crap for other peoples entertainment. If people would stop watching this kind of crap the shows would be canceled.

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So the moms do it for the money and the fame....but at ths point (not having watched the most recent episode) I can't stand it. At least in dance moms Miami the kids have spines, the teachers actually like the kids, and the drama really is the moms.

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Yeah I love to watch the girls dance too.


I think Abbie has become even worse this season.


I just feel so bad for the girls.


It does seem like they will just be used to being treated badly as they get older (as has been mentioned above).


I just can't figure out why the money is worth the constant fighting.

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I agree that it makes me want to hug our dance teacher. DD has had several dance teachers in our studio (because some only teach lower level classes or specific styles of dance) and the only time she's ended up in tears was during her attempt at baton, and that's because she kept hitting herself with the thing! She has three teachers right now (Ballet, Jazz, and Tap), and while she says her teachers are tougher than the ones who teach little kids (she just moved up into the separate classes from the intro classes), they're calm, competent, and really, really good dancers. Even when her intro teacher was 8 months pregnant she was more capable of moving and moving well than Abby is!

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Personally, I would like to see Abbey Lee get in a leotard and start doing a lyrical dance.


Oh, PLEASE, nooooooo!:blink:


I've only watched a few episodes of the show and just couldn't watch any more. This is no way to treat young girls even if it is for a TV show. I'm afraid they are sucking all the joy of dance out of those poor girls. My young daughter just started competition dance this year and she really enjoys it. I'm sick of having people ask me if it's like the show. Our girls work hard, but the teacher is positive and encouraging and the parents are generally nice to each other. We've run into Candy Apple's before (but never Abby) and they weren't filming. Our dance teacher probably works hard to avoid it.

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