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Bug phobias: Ants- Feeling all over scritchy

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Yesterday we went to the nursery and bought some butterfly and hydrangea bushes. It's getting late and it's dusk. Hubby digs holes and ground is so dry, I'm watering the holes. Start feeling like something is crawling all over me and not just mosquitoes. Go inside and take a shower, throw clothes in laundry. Didn't see any ants but never know.


Which brings us to this afternoon. I'm at work and hubby calls to tell me they were unpotting the bushes to put in holes and what did they discover. An whole ant colony. Ew! Ew! Ew! Now my skin is crawling again.


I have this thing about ants. At 7 stepped into a pile of fire ants, which crawled all over my feet. Raced home screaming and parents stripped and threw me in bathtub. Phobia about ants ever since. Forced myself when in 20's to watch Phase 4 to try and get over it. :tongue_smilie: They're just tiny little things you know. No worries.




Itch, itch, itch.





Anyone else care to share their bug phobias?

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The other night I stepped out of the bathroom and felt something crawl out of my sleeve and down my arm. It was a disgusting earwig. I had seen quite a few outside the house and a couple inside, but that one really gave me the creeps. I had been in bed reading before hitting the bathroom and so I'm not sure if it crawled on me in my bed or in the bathroom.

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I have this thing about ants. At 7 stepped into a pile of fire ants, which crawled all over my feet. Raced home screaming and parents stripped and threw me in bathtub. Phobia about ants ever since.



Anyone else care to share their bug phobias?



Ohh, this happened to me when I was five living in Texas. I was standing in the grass on a breezy day. I felt something tickle my legs, but I thought it was the grass moving in the wind. Suddenly, OUCH!!!! When the stinging started, I realized I was standing in a fire ant mound. I scooted up to the house and my mom threw me in the tub. I stayed inside for a few days with my leg wrapped in something (don’t remember what). Those buggers are nasty!

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The other night I stepped out of the bathroom and felt something crawl out of my sleeve and down my arm. It was a disgusting earwig. I had seen quite a few outside the house and a couple inside, but that one really gave me the creeps. I had been in bed reading before hitting the bathroom and so I'm not sure if it crawled on me in my bed or in the bathroom.


Uggggghhh. Earwigs. Years ago, when I was working in a group home, I was about to shave one of the older gentlemen when the biggest earwig you've ever seen CRAWLED OUT OF THE ELECTRIC RAZOR.


The best part was that, until that happened, I'd never seen an earwig before. The program coordinator remembered fondly for quite some time the day I came running down the stairs screaming something about aliens and shaving.

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I lived in an old old house growing up with my grandparents. Rats ran around in the space above the ceiling. One year one died above our dining table and magots dropped on me and my plate. :eek::ack2::willy_nilly: I didn't eat in that room for MONTHS afterwards. And there were big carpenter ants that the big ones with wings (young queens?) would crawl on me and bite me when I was in bed. :scared::cursing:


So, yeah, I've got issues. I get ichy sometimes even if nothing's touched me sometimes. What helps me most is fully immersing my mind in something. A movie, favorite book, something that keeps me from thinking.


Oh, and their are wasps in our building complex that love the holy tree RIGHT NEXT TO MY FRONT DOOR!!! And they won't do anything about it!

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Last night my youngest went into his room and grabbed a blankie to share with me on the couch. It is dark, I am on my laptop and he is cuddled up next to me. From the glow of the laptop I see something moving over the ripples in the blanket. About the time it gets to my laptop I notice it is a SCORPION!!!!! :eek:


With one hand I am pinning a squirmy 6yr old to the couch while yelling (rather quietly) for dh. He manages to get the scorpion on a part of the blanket away from us and whips the whole thing outside, where he promptly disposes of said scorpion. :crying:


I hate scorpions!!!! :glare:

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