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Lost in Language Arts Land. MCT, IEW, what?


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My thoughts are all jumbled so I am going to try my best to articulate my question. ;)

I have an 8YO (and a 6YO but this is not mostly about her) and we are using TOG this year. I am way excited. But I am not sure what to do with LA. We have used FLL and WWE and she has developed a passionate hatred for them both. I think that is a learning style things mostly. So that's out. She loves Phonetic Zoo - I think the independence of the work and the fun animal tie ins are why. I have been debating IEW - thinking she might like that but then we still need grammar. So I have been leaning heavily toward MCT. Would I still need IEW?


How long does MCT take a day? She is weak in writing and grammar because she has hated it and I haven't been consistent enough. So I need something systematic and fun. She also loves independent work - she loves it when I give her materials and a checklist and off she goes - which we currently do with spelling, math, reading, and piano. I just need some advice.


Oh and then I was wondering about TOG Writing Aids. Are those any good for writing? I am just lost in Language Arts Land. Help!

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I've been researching MCT and IEW as well... I haven't used either yet, but I get the feeling from what I've been reading on threads here that MCTs writing is weak and needs supplementation and IEW might be the perfect complement to it....

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My thoughts are all jumbled so I am going to try my best to articulate my question. ;)

I have an 8YO (and a 6YO but this is not mostly about her) and we are using TOG this year. I am way excited. But I am not sure what to do with LA. We have used FLL and WWE and she has developed a passionate hatred for them both. I think that is a learning style things mostly. So that's out. She loves Phonetic Zoo - I think the independence of the work and the fun animal tie ins are why. I have been debating IEW - thinking she might like that but then we still need grammar. So I have been leaning heavily toward MCT. Would I still need IEW?


How long does MCT take a day? She is weak in writing and grammar because she has hated it and I haven't been consistent enough. So I need something systematic and fun. She also loves independent work - she loves it when I give her materials and a checklist and off she goes - which we currently do with spelling, math, reading, and piano. I just need some advice.


Oh and then I was wondering about TOG Writing Aids. Are those any good for writing? I am just lost in Language Arts Land. Help!


I can relate to you, when it comes to WEE. My kids love FLL though. I have just decided to continue with the WWE for this next year. I'm going to try to make it as fun as I can for them.

I know nothing about IEW though. Sorry. Hopefully others will come and help you out on that!

Good luck :)

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MCT, would not be a checklist/independent option. You wight want to look into growing with grammar and winning with writing if you would like the work to be independent or workbook-y. My kids have enjoyed the sentence family and grammar land as a story telling introduction to grammar.

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Let me just say that I have had a really hard time figuring out the LA stuff because of worrying that I'm forgetting something (grammar, composition, reading comprehension, spelling, etc, etc)... or not making them jive like they should... or having the programs overlap in content... or being unsure as to whether the programs will contradict each other in philosophy, etc.


Sooooo this year I bought Voyages In English for 4th grade and, though I haven't used it yet, I love that it looks so... *sigh* straight-forward, simple, comprehensive, and is ONE program. OK, well, I will continue to use All About Spelling for spelling & handwriting, but everything else should be covered in our new ENGLISH program. Maybe you would benefit from the simplicity of a text like this? Even though it looks like a traditional textbook that private schools use (because it is) it is actually colorful and cute and seems to have interesting activities. It has a writing aspect, too, which some people think isn't great (but some people do, of course) but I think that's easier to just supplement with a writing-specific program like Jump In! or something like that.


In terms of Voyages, to save money, you can probably avoid buying the TM and just go with the student book as your TM and guide (it's non-consumable) and then buy one practice book per child (is consumable). I think it will work fine unless you yourself are horrific at grammar and don't know the answers. But even then I think there might be an answer book (?).


Here are some samples:


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For LA, we use CLE. It combines grammar, spelling, reading comprehension and writing. Although most people don't think the writing is 'enough,' it's perfect for us because my kids have also developed a passionate hatred for writing. You can browse the scope & sequence to get a feeling of how much writing is required by level.


Just another option for you.


Best wishes!

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is much better than the stupid workbooks they made them do at public school and I weren't able to apply what they did in them to their regular writing.


They think "Key to" math series is worse than WWE though.


They say they don't really like WWE.

They think FLL is too easy. They will be doing FLL4 next year and WWE3.

They didn;t like it too much when I implemented some IEW.

Haven;t tried MCT.


But too bad--we are still sticking with WWE and they have made marvelous progress.


We will be adding MCT as well.

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We use and love MCT. We did not enjoy FLL4, and stopped using it after a few months. We did the free vintage LA program Grammar Land, which Miss P loved, then we did Sentence Island which is a wonderful introduction to the uses of grammar in writing (though not a full writing program IMO), and now we are on MCT Town's level. I would think you could do MCT Island with both of your girls together, which might cut down on your teaching load (MCT is not independent at all).


I would do a writing program or your own independently designed writing-across-the-curriculum exercises, though. I don't think MCT is enough for writing on its own. We liked WWE ok, and we really like WWS, I've not used IEW so can't comment. I think MCT is compatible with any good writing program, though, it wouldn't be redundant.

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