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Where do you think the Middle Ages should fall?

Melissa B

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I'm not sure where to put the middle ages. Obviously, if you do the four year rotation as in SOTW it is year two between the ancients and modern history. But, if you separate ancient history from "modern history" what is the dividing line? Do yo begin modern history at the fall of Rome, around 1066, during the late 1400's or some other time? I would like to run two history cycles at the same time. Highlands Latin School puts the middle ages with ancient (or classical) history, Ambleside and Mater Amabilis end ancient history with Rome and consider the middle ages to be the start of modern history. Would you add the middle ages at the end of your studies after Rome or would you begin your modern history cycle in the middle ages?

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The Middle Ages is such a broad category. It is usually divided into Early Middle and High. I would do Early along with ancients and Middle and High with moderns. Certainly the fabulous 12 century should be studied as the beginnings of Modern. There are so many possibilities! I think the 12th century should be studied for a year on its own !



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SOTW, states it to be The fall of Rome to the Rise of the Renaissance.


Now as I see it, it all depends on what era you are considering to start the Modern ages. Ancients should be an easy cut off, but where do you want to draw the line for modern? Once you figure that out, you will have your own answer. Just a thought

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My problem comes in wanting to run two lines of history simultaniously. The first line "ancient history" is easy - it begins with prehistory and moves forward. The second line will be modern history. My problem comes in when to begin "modern history." I am debating whether to tack part of the middle ages on to the end of our ancient history cycle or at the beginning of our modern history cycle. If I want to start modern history this year - do I begin at the fall of Rome, or do I begin around 1000 or do I begin around 1400?

Does that make sense?


So next year we would be doing ancient history beginning with prehistory AND modern history beginning with ???


In separating the middle ages into three separate time periods (as suggested by Michelle B) I think it would make the most sense to begin with the second time period around 1000 leaving the early middle ages (vikings and such) with the ancients. But I am open to suggestions!

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I like SOTW and its divisions, so if I were to run two concurrent streams of history, I'd start modern with the beginning of volume three, thus each stream would eventually cover two volumes of SOTW. You'd also be able to keep your history moving at comparable paces, if that's a goal of yours.

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Hi, FWIW, I'm started back to the beginning of the Church and I'm working through to prob the Rennaissance. I might just keep going if all goes well and finish both in a year. All depends. I want to emphasize Church history, tho. so I'm writing my own. Can't afford TOG, LOL.


Most history texts place the MA as follows: Early middle around the fall of Rome to the Dark Ages, which begins around 500 AD thru 1500 AD. Then the Renn.


Hope that helps.


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