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Ok. Its been crazy around here lately. Sickness and just plain busy. I have no patience for school. We are not done though. My 4th grader I am not so concerned about. If we stop history and science and just focus on math, grammar and writing she will get both again 2x. I will keep working slowly with both ds's but not real regular-- kinda a light summery schedule.



My 8th grader is my concern. She has not had a full 4 year history cycle. She started homeschooling in 5th grade. I was a complete dunce to put it nicely. Totally unprepared even though I thought I was fully prepared. She did Abeka Old World History. I found out that year we HATED Abeka. SO we switched to All American History for 6th. Then a friend introduced me to the 4 year history cycle. So the middle to end of 6th we added in MOH 1 for Ancients. Then in 7th she did MOH 2 and in 8th MOH 3. We have started a BJU World History textbook and she is getting highlights of history but she is just burned out and we both need a break. How detrimental would it be to just continue Math, Grammar, Writing and Science with her? Would it kill her to not have a full modern history class?


Any thoughts? We wanted to be done with our school year the middle of July. We still have time but there would be alot to cram in before then. I want her to keep on with science because I bought the BJU DLO for her science and grammar and I already compromised and allowed her to stop the BJU grammar because she hates it. We started another grammar program and its going great!



Please give me your honest advice. If we need to keep going full steam please tell me! I do NOT want to start her in High School with ANY disadvantages what so ever! TIA

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You have her doing the BJU World Studies 7 or the BJU World History 10th grade text? And you're having her do all the extras? Just grimacing a little. I've got that (and the extras for it). That's flying through the world, mercy. What is your plan for next year? Sounds like she has done a ton of history. Give up. She has 4 more years to study, mercy. Start back fresh in the fall with a game plan you think is reasonable. I promise you almost nothing you didn't finish right now will matter. Even the science won't matter. If the time on the lease runs out, it's over, send it back, move on. The world will NOT END. Next year is 9th. Let her start fresh, let her work through reasonable options, get that done. Nothing she's doing now matters for that.


Just being sane. :)

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She'll probably be fine, or at least better than most of her public school peers. When I was in school, it was rare for our history classes to make it past the 1940's before the end of the school year. I think ONE year I had a teacher who managed to get to the 60's. And science, well, I don't know what your state requirements are, but we had to have two credits (4 semesters) of science to qualify for an "honors-level diploma," and you've got four years to fit that in, so I wouldn't worry about that, either.


If it were me, I'd take a break to recharge and just get the basics done, and then pick it back up next year. If you REALLY feel like you need to cover it all right now, you could do a set of "year-round" lessons to fit it in (and even strip that down to the bare minimum you think she needs if you can), but only doing blocks of subjects instead of trying to cram everything in every day when everybody's burned out and hating it.

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You have her doing the BJU World Studies 7 or the BJU World History 10th grade text? And you're having her do all the extras? Just grimacing a little. I've got that (and the extras for it). That's flying through the world, mercy. What is your plan for next year? Sounds like she has done a ton of history. Give up. She has 4 more years to study, mercy. Start back fresh in the fall with a game plan you think is reasonable. I promise you almost nothing you didn't finish right now will matter. Even the science won't matter. If the time on the lease runs out, it's over, send it back, move on. The world will NOT END. Next year is 9th. Let her start fresh, let her work through reasonable options, get that done. Nothing she's doing now matters for that.


Just being sane. :)


Its the BJU World Studies 7. I picked that up after trying to figure out what to do after MOH 3 since 4 isn't out yet. We tried to find a fairly close starting point from where she was (hard to do with this kinda text though) and she just does the lessons, the questions and a small writing assignment every few lessons. Not the end of chapter reviews or anything. Oh, and lit to go with it ofcourse. :001_huh:


I was neurotic before middle school but this before high school is BAD! I keep starting in on the 'well we didn't do this, we didn't do that, we didn't do this' :confused: She loves her science so we will see how far she gets. At a certain point (probably when the grandparents get here for the month of August) we will just stop. I think I can, I think I can. I am so bad at not letting curriculum go unfinished. It usually isn't like THIS though but we have had so much sickness and a few other major stress factors lately.


I think I have decided though to just stop, for her sanity and mine! I am just going to have her pick out 1 historical fiction book, 1 non-fiction history book and a biography to read (her choice of topics) until we start MFW AHL in 9th. I am not going to put a time limit on that reading other than make sure you read them a reasonable amount a day.

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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Would it kill her to not have a full modern history class?


Please give me your honest advice. If we need to keep going full steam please tell me! I do NOT want to start her in High School with ANY disadvantages what so ever! TIA


No, it won't kill her. :D My ds2 is starting 9th grade this fall and he has never had a full rotation of world history. For many years he was tagging along with ds1. (We ended up skipping year 3 in the rotation when we joined a co-op.) When we sent ds1 off to high school I tried to continue the rotation where we left off with co-op, so we did year 2. The next year I ended up doing BJU 7 World Studies for 7th grade with ds2. This past year we sent him off to school as well; they did US history. Year 3 got the short shrift again. Anyway, he did fine. He doesn't know everything about every time period in history, but then how many of us do? He does, however, have a good grounding in math and language arts, and I think that has helped him in all his studies.


Do what you need to do without adding more stress to your lives. It will be ok.

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