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Learned something new and helpful about WWE


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The child does not need to say the dictation back verbatim!!!! Such a great relief! It is the ability to hold complete thoughts in your head and write them down in complete thoughts.


The child may substitute a word that is similar!!!!


Life is going to be a bit calmer here during WWE dictation time.

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The child does not need to say the dictation back verbatim!!!! Such a great relief! It is the ability to hold complete thoughts in your head and write them down in complete thoughts.


The child may substitute a word that is similar!!!!


Life is going to be a bit calmer here during WWE dictation time.


Thank you for sharing this, because we are just going to start WWE2, and I have been thinking this might be a problem. Dd7 does this even when she reads.

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Wow. I never really do that anyway LOL. I think I would go insane if I had to correct every single word as per the "original".


I actually prefer the child give the story back to me in their own words and phrasing, this allows me to know they got the "gist" of the story, and for corrections that they may use in their own speech.


As long as they pick up the main point of the story, I'm happy. Its not exactly as per WTM, but elsewise I don't know whether they understood or are just "parroting" (which is good for some areas, but bad IMO for others).


We love WWE here.


Adding: We also use FLL and GWG, so we take a little time out for her to spot grammar usage in the story, and why its there.

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The child does not need to say the dictation back verbatim!!!! Such a great relief! It is the ability to hold complete thoughts in your head and write them down in complete thoughts.


The child may substitute a word that is similar!!!!


Life is going to be a bit calmer here during WWE dictation time.


Ah, what a helpful thing to know! :D Many times I get a similar word, I wonder if it's worth the battle to correct to 'perfect' so I appreciate you sharing this.

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About 3/4 of the way through this past year, I just stopped correcting them. It meant the same thing, and we were so frustrated. I'm glad I'm not messing up something by doing this. Now, about dictating one sentence at a time instead of all of them? Both of our DDs can dictate a whole sentence, and once in a while can do all 2 or 3 sentences at once, but that is a struggle. I do it sentence by sentence. Am I horrible? :001_huh: :001_smile:

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The child does not need to say the dictation back verbatim!!!! Such a great relief! It is the ability to hold complete thoughts in your head and write them down in complete thoughts.


The child may substitute a word that is similar!!!!


Life is going to be a bit calmer here during WWE dictation time.


Where was this tidbit?

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With some sentences from certain books, I would be wiling to let go, but I've been using LOTR for dictation recently, and I would have an extremely hard time having a word replaced or a word moved to another location in the sentence. We played around with the sentence structure, even using different words, but even DD admits some of those words in LOTR should not be changed or moved around. But I understand the skill that is built with dictation exercises, so an overall relaxed approach is welcome news.

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