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Have you ever considered how PICKY we are?!?

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I suppose it's b/c I'm choosing curricula for next year, but everything I look at, read about, think about has its pros and cons. Which, of course, makes deciding on something kinda tricky. :D


But seriously, my friends and relatives who have kids in ps don't think twice about scope and sequence, mastery or spiral, teaching the trivium, etc. Sure, they complain about teachers and administrators, silly absence policies, and the like. But they don't sit around having internal and sometimes external debates about whether to study American history this year, or the 4th cycle of world history, or make attempts at deciding just how valuable sentence diagramming *really* is.


Sometime I think how easy it would be to just go with the flow and let school boards and administrators make the curriculum decisions. But then I pick up a hs catalog and begin to drool. :tongue_smilie: That's how I know I could never just assume that someone else knows best.


I like coming here b/c I know I'm not alone in my head-strong, independent, outside-the-box thinking. :001_smile:

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WE home school year round. Right now we are coming close to finishing our non-fiction audio book that we listen to when settling into school. We do a chapter a day (More if both kids want more).


I am having trouble picking out what will be our next book. Well this one wouldn't line up with where we are in SOTW. This one might be to long, this one too advanced...


I know it's just a book, and we will only likely have it on the go for about a month. But still, decisions, decisions.


(I am thinking of stepping away from non-ficition and doing "The Tale of Troy" since it will line up nicely with SOTW, but I can't decide. )

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Choosing a curriculum is such an investment that we can't help but weigh pros and cons. It isn't just a matter of a financial investment, which of course is a big factor; it also involves a lot of our time and energy. For homeschoolers the curriculum we choose goes beyond simply what it contains.


It's true that sending our children to public school would be easier - as far as the curriculum is concerned. However, we, most of us, aren't exactly the "take the easy road"-type of people. We look at a fork in the trail - one side clear and the other overgrown, and we choose the path that is overgrown. We don't see the hard work; we see all the possibilities.


In short, easy is boring. :001_smile:

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