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I HAVE to share titles of two books that I have discovered...

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I finished "Omnivore's Dilemma" by Michael Pollan a couple of nights ago. It is amazing. I am currently listening through "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle" by Barbara Kingsolver. These are both incredible books--page turners.


I highy recommend them for learning more about your food and where it comes from!

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I loved both of these and they have definitely made a change in how we eat...


Michael Pollan has a new book out called "In Defense of Food". I have it on reserve at the library but haven't read it yet. I also just got out a book called " Plenty" by Alisa Smith and J. B. MacKinnon that sounds very similar to Animal, Vegetable, Miracle.

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I loved both of those too. Here are a few others that are along the same lines. What to Eat and Why by Nina Planck. Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes and Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon. All just as excellent and found at the local library here.

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Are you referring to Nina's book "Slow Food" or does she have a second one?


Alice Waters just wrote a new book called The Art of Simple Food which I am finding VERY HELPFUL in eating seasonally and locally. I didn't find Omnivore's Dilemma very practical, but it's a good read.


Weren't the poultry stories in Kingsolver's book hilarious? I laughed so hard at those turkeys!! I also love how she explains why they're not vegetarians. And who knew that God made so many varieties of what we can eat? This book helped me understand that we don't just have heirloom tomatoes available, but heirloom many varieties! It makes so much sense!

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