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Ever had one of those dreams...

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after which you wake up absolutely livid at your dh? :glare:


My dh quit smoking in 2007 and hasn't touched a cigarette since. Last night in my dreams he started smoking again, and was being a total turd about it! We had this HUGE horrible argument...it was awful. Then when I woke up I was STILL mad at him. Like REALLY mad. So glad he wasn't home this morning :lol:


I hate when I have dreams that sour my mood towards him...it affects my whole day!

Edited by Apryl H
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Your poor dh! :D


I've actually woken myself yelling at dh or the kids in my dreams. I'll be sitting there upright in my bed wondering where the offenders have gone. :lol:

I don't really yell that often in waking hours, so I must be getting my frustrations out while I sleep. :tongue_smilie:


A few months ago, I had a dream that I was mad at someone (not dh), and for some reason I took off my wedding band and threw it at them. And I must have actually done it, because my wedding ring is gone. I never wear my engagement ring, just the band, so it would have been easy to take it off and toss it. Dh and I have torn the room apart and we can't find it!

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I have had those dreams. I punched the poor guy once while we were both asleep.


Incidentally, last night I dreamed *I* was smoking. I have not had a cigarette in... a really, really, really long time. Meaning the 90s, which was high school for me. I was smoking in bed and holding the baby, trying to blow smoke away from him. :confused: Kind of weird to read this post this morning, although maybe smoking is a common theme in dreams.


Hope the dream fades so your husband doesn't suffer any repercussions :tongue_smilie:

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YES!!! I have LOL That is so funny. But Weird Huh? I guess sometime we repress our emotions while we are awake and they come out in our subconscious while dreaming. The dreams are usually about something he did a long time ago that I just haven't let go of. Or something I am worried he will do :(

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YES!!! I have LOL That is so funny. But Weird Huh? I guess sometime we repress our emotions while we are awake and they come out in our subconscious while dreaming. The dreams are usually about something he did a long time ago that I just haven't let go of. Or something I am worried he will do :(


This is probably the reason. He is traveling this week. Which means hanging around men who smoke, going out to eat with them, sitting in hotel bars with them, etc. He normally works from home and isn't exposed to smoking at all on a day to day basis. But I know the sights and smells of it while he is on the road has to bring up some of the old urges.

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Your poor dh! :D


I've actually woken myself yelling at dh or the kids in my dreams. I'll be sitting there upright in my bed wondering where the offenders have gone. :lol:

I don't really yell that often in waking hours, so I must be getting my frustrations out while I sleep. :tongue_smilie:


A few months ago, I had a dream that I was mad at someone (not dh), and for some reason I took off my wedding band and threw it at them. And I must have actually done it, because my wedding ring is gone. I never wear my engagement ring, just the band, so it would have been easy to take it off and toss it. Dh and I have torn the room apart and we can't find it!


Oh no! Have you looked down the air vents? My dh lost his ring once, right after we got married. We tore the house apart looking for it. Eventually we moved out of that house. We moved a cabinet and voila! There it was.

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I did a few months ago. I dreamed that my DS was walking home from school. DH and I were driving past and saw him. I told DH to stop and give DS a ride and he wouldn't. I was so mad at him for not stopping and woke up still mad at him. I laughed and told DH that I was mad at him for being a jerk in my dream. He told me that if I'm going to be mad at him anyway, he was going to do something for real to give me a reason.:lol::lol::lol:

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after which you wake up absolutely livid at your dh? :glare:


My dh quit smoking in 2007 and hasn't touched a cigarette since. Last night in my dreams he started smoking again, and was being a total turd about it! We had this HUGE horrible argument...it was awful. Then when I woke up I was STILL mad at him. Like REALLY mad. So glad he wasn't home this morning :lol:


I hate when I have dreams that sour my mood towards him...it affects my whole day!


Congrats on 5 years of being smoke free....


I don't wake up mad at other people...my dreams are very vivid and I'm usually just very glad it was a dream and I didn't actually do <insert any number of very bad things> IRL.



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Oh no! Have you looked down the air vents? My dh lost his ring once, right after we got married. We tore the house apart looking for it. Eventually we moved out of that house. We moved a cabinet and voila! There it was.


That's the only place we didn't look. We moved the bed out and took the mattress off, moved tables and chair and bookshelves. I do have a vent under the bed! It would be just my luck that it went down there!

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