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Best foot lotion recommendations please?

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My neighbor is currently having a very trying pregnancy. She has been having lots of issues and is currently on strict orders not to do much. Her family is taking care of her other child and meals. She used to get pedicures weekly and while her niece paints her nails for her, she is seeking a nice food lotion. It has to be organic and something very easy for her now. Think like a nice bottle so when they admit her again, it can go along. She cracks me up asking for a lotion so her feet don't look like great grandma. Any recs?



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Oooooh, I remember those days. My husband showered me in a deck chair, shaved my legs. My SIL would pedi my feet. Good times. Not. I was starting to feel like the elephant at the circus that gets washed with a deck brush. :glare:


I was very fond of Body Shop peppermint foot lotion, but I can't attest to their ingredients anymore. Burt's Bees coconut foot cream is very thick and greasy, but I mix a blob of that with a blob of lotion (usually Kiss My Face) in my hand and it's a really nice, moisturizing combination. Kiss My Face is a generally good brand, but she may want something heavier.


Canus body butter is really nice, too.

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Oooooh, I remember those days. My husband showered me in a deck chair, shaved my legs. My SIL would pedi my feet. Good times. Not. I was starting to feel like the elephant at the circus that gets washed with a deck brush. :glare:


I was very fond of Body Shop peppermint foot lotion, but I can't attest to their ingredients anymore. Burt's Bees coconut foot cream is very thick and greasy, but I mix a blob of that with a blob of lotion (usually Kiss My Face) in my hand and it's a really nice, moisturizing combination. Kiss My Face is a generally good brand, but she may want something heavier.


Canus body butter is really nice, too.


LOL. She refers to herself as the whale who is beached and everyone is just looking waiting for Seaworld.

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Alpha-Hydrox Foot and Problem Area Cream is a 20% glycolic acid solution that exfoiliates the bottoms of feet very well. I use it just a few times a week and my feet still look pretty good. I usually soak them and them scrub them first and then apply lotion. I get it from Amazon and it is very reasonably priced. I have never found anything that works as well.

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