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When do you like to use the Singapore CWP?

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Do you like to use the Singapore CWP alongside the levels, or after the levels? If I'm starting my son in Singapore 2A, would I want to use the Level 2 CWP, or the Level 1 CWP? I wasn't sure if it would be best to have a lower level so as to provide a reinforcement in a different way once he'd mastered that level, or if I'd want the concurrent level so as to provide a challenge for that level (but I wanted to make sure that he would have covered all of the necessary skills to solve the CWP for a concurrent level). Thoughts there?


(Sorry, I keep asking a lot of questions about Singapore. It's all new to me.)

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I would start with level 2, but go slowly and stretch 2 out as long as needed...so by 3A you will probably be in different levels.



There is a jump in difficulty in level 3. I'd really master level 2 before going on, but level 1 is easypeasy and skip-able. jmho.

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I use them after we finish the B level workbook. For instance, ds is about to finish 4B and we'll do CWP 4 before he starts 5A. I agree that level 1 is skippable but ds8 and I enjoyed it. Ds6 will start it as soon as he finishes 1B. Doing it after both workbooks serves as a nice, quick review before we move on.


You could go through CWP 2 slowly but you will likely have to help a lot with the challenging sections. I don't mind helping my dc with them but prefer for them to need minimal help vs. me walking them through the whole problem.

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I would start with level 2, but go slowly and stretch 2 out as long as needed...so by 3A you will probably be in different levels.



There is a jump in difficulty in level 3. I'd really master level 2 before going on, but level 1 is easypeasy and skip-able. jmho.


:iagree: with the above!


We did CWP 2 while doing SM 2 and once we got to the end and I looked at SM 3 where they actually teach the bar method. I realized that we didn't need to push so hard to get through CWP 2 because we had already learned what SM 3 was going to teach us! So, a grade behind works fine, but I like the above advice of starting at CWP 2 and going at a comfortable pace.


When we started, we did every problem and she needed my help for every problem. By the time we finished CWP 2, she was only doing the challenge problems and only needed my help about 25% of the time. YMMV.


We didn't do CWP 1 and I don't feel like we missed anything important! (Though we also did Miquon so I'm sure that helped them understand number bonds very well.)

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We've been using CWP about a half-level behind. So, my son just finished 3A and CWP 2. In the fall, we'll start with 3B and CWP 3.


I prefer CWP 2 to CWP 1, so in your case I'd start with CWP 2 and take as long as you need. Or, you could get CWP 1 and just do what you whichever problems you want for a couple months, then move on to CWP 2. Either way would be fine. :)



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In younger years I used level 1 while doing SM 2. Now that we are older, we use the same level, but not all, not all. Just here and there.

NOw that I'm more experienced, I don't think I'd get them (I bought the whole lot before the old ones were all gone). I know enough to make up my own problems now. There is nothing earth shattering in them. I think the IP books are more "creative". The EP and CWP you can make yourself, if you have the time and mind to do so. HTH.

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Thanks, everyone! Honestly, I already have a lot on my plate, so making up more problems is probably not going to happen right now. :) I think we will get into a groove with the Singapore+Miquon combo, and then either add in CWP Level 2, or use it after we finish 2B, before we start 3A.

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