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If you are preparing for an Economic Depression

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It seems to me that folks are getting really hung up on the semantics of this. Whether you want to call it a recession or a depression or a slowing of economic growth, the fact is that a lot of folks are hurting already and have good reason to believe there may be worse to come.


Given the current economic situation, I really don't see why the same principle doesn't apply? I don't think there's cause to panic, but I also don't think it's necessary to scorn those among us who have concerns and choose to allay them by being prepared?


Hear! Hear! Thank you Jenny! Off to give you rep! Which I've enver done before!

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Once you leave the east or west coasts, there's not very many cities with a reliable mass transit system. A few major cities up north, like Chicago, but that's nearly it. My cities transit system is a complete useless disgrace. It doesn't go hardly anywhere, cost a small fortune, isn't timely, and it takes literally a half dozen stops and up to 3 hours to get to a destination you could drive straight to in less than 20 minutes.




The mass transit system in Chicago is not the best. We live roughly 25 miles from O'hare. In order for my dh to use mass transit to get to O'hare is almost impossible. He would have to take the train to down town Chicago which is roughly 40 miles away and then transfer to the Blue line take it back another roughly 20 miles to O'hare. The time and money this would take is unbelievable and not worth the effort.


The cost of housing near O'hare is more than we can afford and so moving closer is out of the question.


Then there is the added problem that Cook county has just raised sales tax to 10%. :eek: We live in Kane and I think sales tax is something like 6.50% The price of gas in Cook will be too high to buy there much less a T shirt or....... Of course in Kane we spend more on property taxes but not that much more. There are gas stations on the border of Cook and Kane but in Kane which are starting to post signs that say Kane county taxes so that they don't lose customers who think they are in Cook.


Hence the desire to transfere to an area of the country where the price of living is cheaper.

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not saying chicago has a great transit system, just a better than one than many major cities further south. we've been to chicago I agree with you - it stinks, but it's better than Tulsa's!


skiatook has had a McMansion boom with "lake front properties" and golf courses, so I doubt you could afford to move there.


But there are other areas of oklahoma that are still very affordable, esp compared to other states and housing markets. if you have extra money, now's the time to buy a house/property. if you can unload and sell your current home.

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not saying Chicago has a great transit system, just a better than one than many major cities further south. we've been to Chicago I agree with you - it stinks, but it's better than Tulsa's!


Skiatook has had a McMansion boom with "lake front properties" and golf courses, so I doubt you could afford to move there.


But there are other areas of Oklahoma that are still very affordable, esp compared to other states and housing markets. if you have extra money, now's the time to buy a house/property. if you can unload and sell your current home.


Actually the last place we looked at was Bartlesville, it seemed nice but it has been awhile since I was there. However Bartlesville is a bit of a drive to get to the airport and with gas prices the way they are......... I have family in Broken Arrow but I think that is a bit of a hike to the airport too. I wish we could move there now but dh needs a few more years seniority under his belt.


I know the McMansion thing in Skiatook was just too weird. The McMansions that were really weird were those right off of 75 and not even near the lake.


We have bike trails here and they are very nice. There is one just a block from my house but I don't walk there by myself. A few years ago a guy jumped out of the woods at me with no pants on at all and ready to go. I started screaming my head off as I ran. He was later arrested and had a rape a woman that morning. Nope I don't walk the bike path by my self. I will walk the path with my German Shepherd dogs with me or with my dh or my sons but not alone.


The bike path is in a heavily wooded area, about a two mile stretch is through a forest preserve and folks are sometimes robbed by low level gang members or homeless men, raped, and some homos*xual men use them for encounters that should happen in private areas if you get my drift. Every once in awhile the police make raids on the path and we read about it in the papers.


I agree that most of the cities and towns in this nation would benefit from better layouts and better mass transit but that will take time and money to fix and so will not happen soon. I think it would be great to be able to walk to the store with some sort of cart buy my groceries and walk home or.... better yet send my sons and let them walk to the store and bring home stuff on my list. I saw a 3 wheel bike the other day with a large wire basket in the back that would be perfect for grocery shopping but it would not be practical in the winter with snow and ice and walking to the store might not be nice then either iykwim :001_huh: and of course the bike is out of my price range right now but it was nice to dream for a moment. It was even painted a very nice blue....

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Actually the last place we looked at was Bartlesville, it seemed nice but it has been awhile since I was there. However Bartlesville is a bit of a drive to get to the airport and with gas prices the way they are......... I have family in Broken Arrow but I think that is a bit of a hike to the airport too. I wish we could move there now but dh needs a few more years seniority under his belt.


Actually BA is only about 15 minutes from the TIA, 25 during rush hour traffic.


I know the McMansion thing in Skiatook was just too weird. The McMansions that were really weird were those right off of 75 and not even near the lake.


I know. What happened is people found out the land was really cheap out there, and some could get "farm" credits if they had so much undeveloped land. So they bought it for investment, put a mcmansion on it and a manicured yard, and every so often you'll see one cow roaming about rather lonely so they can claim to be a "farmer". They got a great deal because the land alone in Tulsa county would have cost them more than their mansion. The goal of those credits though was to protect small farmers and encourage natural refuges for wildlife.:angry:


I agree that most of the cities and towns in this nation would benefit from better layouts and better mass transit but that will take time and money to fix and so will not happen soon. I think it would be great to be able to walk to the store with some sort of cart buy my groceries and walk home or.... better yet send my sons and let them walk to the store and bring home stuff on my list.


Yep. It would take time, but much of it would be easy to incorporate, esp in my area. I would advise tearing up roads to add a bike path or a sidewalk. But If they are expanding a road, or repaving a road - why not add it THEN? It wouldn't happen over night, but a bit at a time would actually see a great improvement. I also think that it should be required of new housing additions that they place a sidewalk along the edge of their addition and the main roads. I remember growing up I walked everywhere, and yes to the store by myself to get bread, milk or mom's cigarettes.:tongue_smilie: Now, it's not just not a smart idea because there's literally nowhere but the street to walk on.

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Actually BA is only about 15 minutes from the TIA, 25 during rush hour traffic.




I know. What happened is people found out the land was really cheap out there, and some could get "farm" credits if they had so much undeveloped land. So they bought it for investment, put a mcmansion on it and a manicured yard, and every so often you'll see one cow roaming about rather lonely so they can claim to be a "farmer". They got a great deal because the land alone in Tulsa county would have cost them more than their mansion. The goal of those credits though was to protect small farmers and encourage natural refuges for wildlife.:angry:






Well what I used to do as a kid was go tarantula and lizard hunting. I would go out early in the morning and lift the wonderful red slab rocks and look for them and keep them all day in a canning jar or match box. We had a black Angus bull that we hand raise because its mother died giving birth and we could ride on his back all over the 180 acres. We heard a car coming before we could see it but when I saw green grass where the prairie used to be :eek: and huge house I just thought what a waste. The lease was on 126st so it was a bit out from Skiatook but that is where we did the shopping and went to church, ect....


Maybe we will look in Sperry or Collinsville or keep Bartlesville on the list ;) I don't know I just know I like OK. Its part of my blood which has absolutely nothing to do with this thread but you have made me nostalgic ;) I know Skiatook needed economic development but it is too bad that what was meant to protect the small farmer and the land was abused. I wonder how many of the folks who used to live there still do.

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For what I am doing is continuing to spend money. That helps the economy. We continue to pay all of our bills but am trying to continue my normal spending habits with the exception that I spend less on gasoline.


I'm doing something similar. We're saving where we can, and spending where it helps. New (better insulated) siding on the house, energy efficient windows, and energy & water efficient appliances are not cheap. But, we are spending money on these items while we can, in hopes that they will help us out in the long run. :001_smile: Really, these things will help no matter what happens with the economy.


We've been through hard times before, and these are some of the things I wished we had back then to help see us through.


I must add that we're only replacing the things that are either broken or really worn out. But... we're certainly spending money replacing them as we need to! And every single purchase, I stop for a minute and feel very fortunate that we're able to do it. There have been times when we couldn't have done it.

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Anyone else ever consider what would happen if the water we take for granted coming out of out taps dried up or became poisoned or polluted in a crisis?


This is my main concern. I'm going to look into a good filtration system.

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  • 2 months later...

The health food store where I normally buy wheat berries increased their prices drastically. In searching the net I discovered this site


Their prices are much better than I can get locally even with shipping. They have dried eggs and other items at a good price for those who don't have chickens and are concerned about hyperinflation.

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I did not read anyone else's comments I do not know what has been said. I know some on this board may not have the same convictions I do. That's ok. Just ingore me. :001_smile:


I do not worry about these questions.


Some of my friends are missionaries. They have been to Africa and are preparing to move to Nigeria. In Ethiopia children of all ages live on the streets. They saw children as young as three years old taking care of themselves. No parent. No shelter. Living on the streets. They adopted with the reward of knowing that the one they took would open up a spot for one to get off the street.


Our Loving Heavenly Father takes care of those children and He will take care of me. Even if I have to live on the streets.


If times get hard we will all have to adjust, but we are strong. We can do it.


I have a child with special needs. He will need multiple surgeries in the future. He only eats about 6 or 7 different things. If we are too poor to buy these products or afford these surgeries, I do not worry. I know God will take care of him. He will either provide those things, or cause my son to eat others. He will provide the surgeries or cause him not to need them.


Things would change for us. It would be hard. But I try (I am not always successful) to put my joy and my hope in my Savior.


In the end what else could we do. Food storages would be used up. Bank accounts would run dry.


But you cannot dry up the well that supplies my hope in Him.:grouphug:

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