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Oops, I forgot health


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and liked it. You read a story from the book about the Miller family and there is an accompaning workbook. Each chapter in the story book corresponds to a chapter in the workbook. We usually did the workbook orally. It is a very gentle, easy way to do health. HTH



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I would think it would be for Grade 4-6 if they were doing it on their own, but my 1st grader did alright with it this year. I did it as a read aloud/discussion for my 1st grader and 6th grader. It goes over keeping yourself clean, telephone etiquette, table manners, etc. It is fine for early elementary (as a read aloud) as well as older children. HTH



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I have a 3rd and 7th grader. They are familiar with s%xuality (we live on a farm), we talk about cleanliness, good eating habits, etc. Am I missing something? Thanks.


I was wondering the same thing. I incorporate those kinds of lessons on a daily basis. What are the reasons for using a more formal health program? Mainly comprehensiveness?



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We used an adorable book last year called "Proper Manners and Health Habits" from Rod and Staff. It's in workbook format, and it's just a sweet book. Another plus, it costs only a few dollars--less than five, I think.


I don't know if a health curriculum at these young ages is actually necessary, but we enjoyed it. I imagine most families cover the same information in normal family life. Our family uses a health curriculum for 3rd and 6th grade (so far), not every year.

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