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enthusiastic tenant

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We have a house in the US and rent it out. Our tenant has been doing repairs witout our consent. He does things like replace the toilet and doesn't bother to tell us or our house manager. Our manager tells us if there is any repairs over 100 dollars, and he gets qualified workers in who have workmen's comp, guarantees of work, and that gives us a tax break because our US income is so low. We don't get any of these benefits with our tenant.


What exactly are tenants' rights and duties in the US?

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We have a house in the US and rent it out. Our tenant has been doing repairs witout our consent. He does things like replace the toilet and doesn't bother to tell us or our house manager. Our manager tells us if there is any repairs over 100 dollars, and he gets qualified workers in who have workmen's comp, guarantees of work, and that gives us a tax break because our US income is so low. We don't get any of these benefits with our tenant.


What exactly are tenants' rights and duties in the US?


Wait....is he charging you back for the parts and or labor?

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We rent, and I fix things all the time! If I "let" my landlady pay for things


1. She complains, delays, and we wait indefinately with no plumbing/ac/etc. I can get someone to come TODAY.


2. She puts in the cheapest, shoddiest fixtures she can. Recently our old kitchen faucet broke (largely because it had a cheap plastic housing). I decided that to spend over $100 on her house wans't in my budget right now. So she did have someone replace it--with another cheapo fixture, round handles you can't tell if they are turned, no hose attachment, and it will probably break again in 2-3 years. We pay $2100 a month rent, so yeah, I kind of resent her attitude--we've even had 2 electric fires since we lived here since her dh, now deceased, used to do all the wiring himself!


This is why we put in a new thermostat (with a timer! the old one was all manual) and toilet seats (with metal attachements! wow!), etc. etc. And I do upgrades outside all the time--put in a sprinkler system, etc. That isn't "necessary", but it sure saves me a lot of time and effort.


If you really want to pay for things, I might talk to your renter. But to "call a lawyer" seems a bit extreme.

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Is he doing the work himself? My dh is a carpenter and when we rented we always fixed up wherever we lived. We always told the landlord and in most houses we were given free reign. Sometimes it was taken off the rent, sometimes not. We did it to make it a better place to live, not for any tax or rent breaks.


My dh is the type of guy that enjoys fixing things just for the sake of it, maybe this guy is the same way.

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I guess that I still don't understand the problem. He sounds like a dream tenant to me! I would think it quite a blessing to have a tenant that does his own repairs. I'm having trouble seeing the negative here,.



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We have a house in the US and rent it out. Our tenant has been doing repairs witout our consent. He does things like replace the toilet and doesn't bother to tell us or our house manager. Our manager tells us if there is any repairs over 100 dollars, and he gets qualified workers in who have workmen's comp, guarantees of work, and that gives us a tax break because our US income is so low. We don't get any of these benefits with our tenant.


What exactly are tenants' rights and duties in the US?



What does your rental agreement spell out? Most leases state that the tenant isn't supposed to make changes w/out written permission. Yes, it's great if he replaces a toilet that's not functioning, I guess, but what if he replaces it with an avacado green commode he salvaged? Or swaps out a broken, but upgraded light fixture with a cheapie, rather than something of the quality you'd choose.


I'd insist on prior approval to protect property value, myself. And, once the changes are approved, if he sends you receipts for what he's done, why couldn't you use that for your taxes?

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and he is allowed to fix whatever's wrong with the house, within reason, like storm windows, roof patching, and new stove and refrigerator. He always buys new (except for the stove and fridge, with okay of the landlord) and always sends receipts with the rent check. In return, he gets to take the amount off the rent, and they love having a semi-handyman living at their house--especially after the previous tenant left it trashed, with all kinds of junk in the yard.


They're overjoyed to have a tenant who actually mows the lawn and cleans up after himself, especially since they live in another state. But if anything major should come up like replacing the roof or installing new flooring (anything that costs more than half one month's rent), he will write to them and ask first--it's their house, after all, and they may have preferences.



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