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i'm dying a slow death...


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all because of math!


my older ds did mus and we also used epgy as well as some other supplementary materials...he has done well and will be starting AoPS pre algebra in the fall..he's not my problem....


my younger ds (age6) started with MUS and didn't take to it at all. after a lot of research, i decided that miquon would give him a solid understanding of math. my problem is that it isn't getting done because i have a 7 month who is really demanding of my time and energy. i can't seem to put him down. i even have help around the house, but my baby has become attached to me. i need to be able to sit with my ds while he does his math.


so, i've now decided that i need a program that can get done daily with minimal or no help from me. mus was like that, but he didn't like that. is there anything else out there? we will do miquon when i can squeeze it in!


i've been looking into singapore, but i'm not sure how teacher intensive it would be... and i wouldn't even know what to order. there seems to be a lot of different books. what are the basics you need?



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Singapore is still fairly teacher-intensive. I use the HIG to help me teach a concept, then go through the textbook problems orally, and then turn my dd loose on a worksheet (which may or may not require me being nearby for help). It becomes less so as we progress further, but it's certainly very hands-on at first.


(If you did want to get it, I'd suggest the Standards Edition because the HIG is reputed to be better than the US version. I use the HIG, textbook, workbook as a spine. I add in the CWP and IP a little bit behind, for review.)


Have you looked at Math Mammoth? It may be less hands-on.


But really -- at that age, I think it's hard to be totally hands-off. I think it's going to be a difficult challenge for you to find an independent program for him, possibly because he just does better when Mom's involved. :grouphug:

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My suggestions isn't a curriculum. It's a baby carrier! Not the one that kills your back for brus or walmart but nice ones! This was a lifesaver ...


Ditto! I had 2 year old special needs triplets & a 7 month old when my DH moved to Charlotte, leaving me behind with the kiddos to sell the house. I would not have survived without my BabyHawk mei tai. (Freehand is another great brand.) My baby quickly acclimated to being carried & LOVED being in that thing. It was so comfortable for me that I could wear it literally for HOURS and not be sore.


A mei tai is fully adjustable, so despite the fact that my torso is VERY short, I could make it fit comfortably in a way that I never could with a standard baby carrier like a Baby Bjorn. (As a side note, my 6'4" husband was also able to get the mei tai to fit very comfortably, if that tells you anything!)

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i need a secular program and it's my understanding that cle is not secular, right?


No, CLE is not secular. But, their math program doesn't really contain Christian content. I have one of the level 300 light units in front of me, and the only mention of God is in the little story at the very beginning of the workbook, which can be totally skipped since it has nothing directly to do with the lessons.


I agree with the pp-sling/carry your baby. It's a good thing to be attached!:grouphug:

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My suggestions isn't a curriculum. It's a baby carrier! Not the one that kills your back for brus or walmart but nice ones! This was a lifesaver when I taught my dd last year! It let her have mommy and I could teach.....


:iagree: I had to do this when I had very little ones, too!

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We use the baby carrier and "math during naps" to do Miquon with one DS.


I am usually standing up and moving around to other children who need help, but I am there and available as he needs my instruction.


When I can't get Miquon done, we use Horizons Math for spiral review. He loves the worksheets.

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Miquon, Singapore, MEP all are fantastic, secular programs, and all are teacher-intensive.

I would suggest Math Mammoth. I haven't seen Teaching Textbooks, but maybe you can take a look at that.


I am not sure a baby carrier would help with study time, though. We used a ring sling with my dd almost all the time, but she constantly wanted to be engaged/talked to. I am not sure I would have been able to teach an older child while carrying dd in the sling. But it did help while doing housework.

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i have an ergo which i love, but haven't really used it during school time. will have to try it, but as i type i'm holding on to him as he stands and tries to reach for things....


i've been using his two short naps already for read alouds and explode the code with the younger...and then if time allows, miquon...


off to check out teaching textbooks....



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am i missing something?? teaching textbooks seems to start at 3rd grade??


he seems to respond well to computers so maybe i'll try something like that. at first i thought a fun math computer related option would be good for him, but i'll try to find a curriculum instead...



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