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Strong fathers, strong daughters ??

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For those who have read this book, is it solid advice from a conservative stance or patriarchy lite?


Someone recommended it to DH and he is interested, but we are not interested in someone's pro-patriarchal rantings. I thought I would ask the Hive before I spent money that could be put to good use on more curriculum. :tongue_smilie:

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Based on the Amazon reviews, it appears to be written by a Christian (Catholic, apparently) woman. It comes from a conservative, Judeo-Christian perspective.

Most of the negative reviews focused on the religious point of view. I didn't see anything particularly mentioning patriarchal living. It does have a lot of reviews, and an overall good rating.

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Funny you should bring this up. Just this weekend my dh mentioned it. He heard an interview with the author I believe on the Dave Ramsey radio show last week and was wanting to read it himself. You get a good feeling for the a book, its author and the purpose of it when you listen to interviews. You might be able to listen yourself by googling interviews with the author.


I say go for it!

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The problem I am having is that conservative covers a wide range. DH grew up one flavor of conservative where women wore skirts and a good many practiced patriarchy. I grew up a different flavor of conservative where dancing, drinking, and mixed swimming were allowed. DH never embraced the beliefs he was raised in, and I am also less conservative than I was raised. We are open to good parenting advice from where ever it comes, but am unsure if this book is good advice or not. While we could just read it and find out, like I said in my OP, I hate to spend good money on a bad book when I could be spending on curriculum!

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Okay, I just remembered that I can link to another library system though our main one we use. (I will blame this mental lapse on a lack of caffeination coupled with the dog waking me at 4:30 this morning.) The secondary library system does have the book available and I am going to put a hold on it. Thanks!


(Although if anyone has actually read the book I would still love to know what you though of it.)

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I've read it. I don't think it is patriarchal from what I can remember in the regard that the father stands between the daughter and God, in fact I don't remember too much about it that was overtly religious at all. I felt it was a very good book, very practical.

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Also haven't read the book, but Dave Ramsey has never given me the patriarchy vibe. I saw it on his site and remembered I'd seen the book mentioned somewhere - here!


You can get a free chapter here.


I found a site with Dobson interviewing the author. Again, Dobson has never given me a patriarchy vibe either.


Just googling on the fly!

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I've never heard of this book, but am very interested in reading it. So glad you brought it up! This is a personal theory I've held for a long time. And no, the father doesn't need to be patriarchal. My husband isn't. He would consider himself a feminist. But, he is a very strong individual in so many ways, and has raised 4 very strong daughters (moreso than myself). It's interesting to think about. (And no, that doesn't mean I believe that strong daughters can't be raised in homes with only a strong mother around. :))

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