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How do YOU do AoP?

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My math monkey just finished 5th grade and has completed several different math curriculums (TT, ALEKS, Thinkwell, various and sundry other things) at a 'pre-algebra' level primarily because I was afraid of rushing him into concepts to deep for a young boy (i.e. Don't start Algebra until you have hair under your armpits a la Life of Fred). He's breezed through all of them and I finially realized that I need to move him ahead. I don't think he's really 'learned' anything in several years. The info just seems to be 'in his head.' It's time for him to be challenged.


That said, I discovered AoP and I'm in love with the approach. I ordered several of the books and he's watched the pre-algebra videos and we've played around with the first few chapters of the Probability book together just to see how it would go.( just for fun. It's an area of interest...I know this is an 'after algebra' book) Now, we are ready to really get into the algebra course.


But, I'm wondering how those of you who use it as your main curriculum for younger kiddos actually use it. Do you give you child the book and have him read and work the first example problem until he solves it? read and work the problem for 'awhile' ?(a few minutes, an hour, a day????) Do you read/work it with him?


I know the idea is to discover the process but I'm not sure how to implement the procedure and would like suggestions from any who have used it.


How do YOU make it work in your home?

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You will get a lot of different answers to this question. It all depends on your child. We tried using it as the sole curriculum, but my son wanted more variety and some videos. We now use it for challenge problems and use Thinkwell too. My son thinks Thinkwell is funny and he likes the pseudo interactive videos.


That being said, we have never used the online classes AOPS offers because they didn't fit our less structured time schedule. Maybe if we did he would have liked it more. We still use AOPS, but more for challenges.


There are many who use this alone successfully, and many strong opinions about it being the "best" curriculum for mathy kids. I have very mathy kids and one uses this, but one approaches math through an artsy/geometry slant and she doesn't like it and prefers Singapore.


When we use it, I have my son read the book and go at his own pace. There are a few times he struggles and needs some guidance, but for the most part it is self explanatory and he can just dive in. I let him just come to me if he needs help.


Have you let your son look at the book and decide how he wants to approach it? Mine like to help decide and it gets them more involved with the whole process.

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But, I'm wondering how those of you who use it as your main curriculum for younger kiddos actually use it. Do you give you child the book and have him read and work the first example problem until he solves it? read and work the problem for 'awhile' ?(a few minutes, an hour, a day????) Do you read/work it with him?



When we started (DD in 7th grade, DS in 6th grade) the prealgebra book did not exist and we started with Intro to Algebra.

The kids start by attempting the problems on their own, then studying the solutions, then working the exercises at the end of the section. When they were younger, they would work with one parent nearby so that they could ask questions any time. We helped when they got stuck, explained concepts they did not understand from the book, helped figure out the hard challenge problems.

Now they work on their own and ask any questions at the end of the day, or consult the solution manual.

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But, I'm wondering how those of you who use it as your main curriculum for younger kiddos actually use it. Do you give you child the book and have him read and work the first example problem until he solves it? read and work the problem for 'awhile' ?(a few minutes, an hour, a day????) Do you read/work it with him?



How do YOU make it work in your home?


My dd11 and I are mathy and we started with Pre Algebra. We begin by reading the introduction together. Then I have her do the problems on her own...as many as she can before she is reduced to guessing, LOL! Then we work through the problems together at the white board. I try not to do the problems for her, but lead her to seeing the path to the solution. Sometimes it works...sometimes not so much.


We continue this way, with her working through the problems and us working together as needed.


Then she watches the correspoding aops video online and continues with the exercises in much the same way as the problems. That is, she attempts as many as possible without having to resort to guessing or giving up. We do the problems together before she continue with more exercises.


Using this approach, she works roughly a half hour a day on math, so it takes us several days to finish a section and several weeks to complete a chapter. This is a much slower pace than the online classes, but suits us fine.


Hope this helps! We do love this curriculum and are grateful to Rusczyk for creating it.

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