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Thank you to all here who have spoken so well of A Tree Grows In Brooklyn.

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I finished this book Sunday and loved it. Over the years here, I've seen so many people talk about this book. If I had ever heard about it before, I must have dismissed it because the name just does not sound terribly interesting. I picked it up at a garage sale a year ago and then forgot about it until someone mentioned it here again recently. I dug it out, and once I started reading I hated to put it down. It's such a simple yet beautiful story about ordinary people leading ordinary lives and yet they are extraordinary in their own way. LOL, if that isn't clear as mud! Anyway, it's a beautiful book. I've recommended it to my two oldest.

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I didn't know there was a movie. I'm going to have to see if Net flicks has it. That book was one I loved too thanks to a friend passing it on.


I lent it to someone and now I'm not sure who it was and I don't have it anymore. Good thing I have the movie. Not as good as the book, but, still fun to watch.
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