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Such a cheater....

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We are at swim team, and the kids have to touch the foot of the kid in front of them, or do 10 push ups.


The boy behind my son can't catch him, so he quit waiting for the signal to dive, and just jumped right on top of him.


It is sad that he is such a poor sport.


I'm restraining myself from saying anything, but it does make me smile to think how mortified my son would be if I interupted practice.


"Excuse me, Coach, but that tall boy in lane 3 isn't following the rules."


I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to do it.

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It kind of sounds like a silly exercise to me. The poor guy who is the slowest will always have to do push-ups, and the fastest never will.




This sounds like many sports drills I've seen/heard off that don't really better anyone but just make the less adept feel picked on. :confused: not excusing the kids behavior, I hope the coach dealt with him for jumping on someone. That is not safe.

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This reminds of that commercial that is out now where the mom is in the grocery store and is selecting a juice to buy. However, it shows scenarios where if she could protect him she would be there and do it. (Like helping him win a bike race etc) Have you seen it? Good job in letting it go. Yay Ihop, I love their new velvet pancakes.

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It kind of sounds like a silly exercise to me. The poor guy who is the slowest will always have to do push-ups, and the fastest never will.


:iagree: I swam competetively for 14 years and I never heard of such a drill. Swim etiquette is such that if one swimmer catches up to the one in front, the one in front allows the faster swimmer to pass and then stay in front, unless someone catches him/her. There's enough reward in getting to be at the front of the line and staying there, and enough humiliation with always being at the end - without adding push-ups into the mix.


But I am sorry this kid jumped on your son. I'm glad he is okay.

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This reminds of that commercial that is out now where the mom is in the grocery store and is selecting a juice to buy. However, it shows scenarios where if she could protect him she would be there and do it. (Like helping him win a bike race etc) Have you seen it? Good job in letting it go. Yay Ihop, I love their new velvet pancakes.


I LOVE that commercial, it makes me howl with laughter every time I see it. Especially when she jumps in front of him in dodge ball screaming, "No, No!" and then whispering reassuringly behind her, "Mommy's here."


To the OP, my middle daughter is very competitive. I caught her 'not' touching the line before turning around during a drill one day. I didn't interrupt the drill but she and I had a long talk that afternoon and she didn't do it again. Hopefully, the other child's mother does similarly.

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It kind of sounds like a silly exercise to me. The poor guy who is the slowest will always have to do push-ups, and the fastest never will.


If it were an exercise that translated to swimming better it would make sense. The slower person would be getting stronger, whereas the faster one already is stronger.

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If it were an exercise that translated to swimming better it would make sense. The slower person would be getting stronger, whereas the faster one already is stronger.


Right. And in this case the weaker swimmer gets more tired out from having to do extra push-ups in the middle of practice, thereby swimming more and more slowly, while the stronger swimmer is more rested and continues to swim faster. If the weaker swimmer wants to improve, push-ups or sit-ups could be done at home between practices.

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I know nothing of swim teams, but could the push-ups be to improve upper body strength and in doing so improve the speed of the swimmer? Just curious. My nephew coached highschool football and mentioned that when a player wasn't performing 100% they were often assigned additional exercises...not so much as punishment but to build up muscles or stamina so that their performance was better.

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