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Have you used Saxon Intermediate Math 3?


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I didn't even know this existed up until a few minutes ago. :)


Just wondering if anybody's used it. I think regular Saxon 3 would be boring beyond belief, but was wondering if this was any better.



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Yes, we are just finishing up the last 10 lessons or so with DD8. We did Saxon 2 last year and I did NOT want to do the whole script thing again this year - especially since I was doing Saxon 1 with DS5 as well. It would have driven me crazy.


So we did the Intermediate level. It was a little tricky in the beginning - getting used to the format and having to do 20 questions. After a while though, she got the hang of it and has done well. By Lesson 65 or so she was actually doing her math independently. I would check in with her and make sure she was understanding the new concept, and she was!


She does not like all of the mental math and power ups so that has been a bit more challenging - I think it just comes down to the huge increase in time that it takes to do this vs. what she did last year. Each lesson takes her approx. 35 minutes (and that is without doing the power ups and mental math). When she does those - it adds another 15 minutes and I think that pushes her over the edge. We are going to work on those over the summer as best we can to solidify those math facts.


I am so glad we went with the Intermediate for Grade 3 - she would have been bored with the regular Saxon 3; and I feel like she has had good exposure to set her up for 5/4.



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Thanks so much! I'll have DS2 doing Saxon 2 as well so the thought of doing two scripted lessons was enough to drive me bonkers. (Will probably stay with Saxon for him because he simply loved Saxon K and Saxon 1).


I also found that Saxon has a Singapore curriculum called "Math in Focus" but when I saw that it was about $120 for only half a year...I forgot about it. LOL

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My son used Int 3 this year and is just about finished with it (on lesson 102). CanadianMumof4 described it pretty well. I have had just about the same experience as her (as far as time of lessons) with the exception of the attitude toward the warm-up and mental math section. My son doesn't mind this section at all, he dislikes having to do 20 problems but is better about it now than he was in the beginning. I solved this by just having him do 10 of them during math time and then he does the other 10 problems with his dad before or after dinner.


Math takes about 30-45 minutes depending for us, not counting the 10 problems with dad later, that takes probably another 10 min in the evening. It is good practice for getting into 5/4, which he will start in July. I much preferred it to the saxon k-2 levels and all that scripting, which I am doing now again with his little sister. I can't wait to be done with those books for good LOL


I don't know very much about the Math in Focus, it did pique my interest but I had to remain steadfast because Saxon works really well for my kids. My kids get math really easily but I like the incremental repetitive nature of Saxon. They might not NEED the repetitiveness but they KNOW their math.

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It's nice to read reviews of this program. I'm considering it for next year. I like the idea of having DS do half of the problems during math time and the other half in the evening with DH!




I thought that was a wonderful idea!

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I'm confused as to what the homeschool kit includes. The picture shows a hard cover text, power up, solutions and tests, but the product description does not list the text, but does include a "written practice workbook". Does anyone know what is needed?




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I'm confused as to what the homeschool kit includes. The picture shows a hard cover text, power up, solutions and tests, but the product description does not list the text, but does include a "written practice workbook". Does anyone know what is needed?





I think it is more clear here, on the CBD site. Or maybe not? I am looking again after looking at my catalog and it's so.....not.


Editing again...On the CBD site it lists four books, but the four books are less expensive than the kit. That is why I am confused. All I can suppose is that the textbook and written practice workbook are separate but work in correlation. The hardcover textbook itself is not listed alone. It is the same on Rainbow Resource.


ETA: This is a direct quote from RR: The Homeschool Kit includes the student text, test book, test answers, solutions manual and a “Power Up” workbook. An optional Written Practice Workbook includes consumable worksheets for students to complete the lesson’s practice problems.

Edited by PentecostalMom
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I think it is more clear here, on the CBD site. Or maybe not? I am looking again after looking at my catalog and it's so.....not.


Editing again...On the CBD site it lists four books, but the four books are less expensive than the kit. That is why I am confused. All I can suppose is that the textbook and written practice workbook are separate but work in correlation. The hardcover textbook itself is not listed alone. It is the same on Rainbow Resource.


ETA: This is a direct quote from RR: The Homeschool Kit includes the student text, test book, test answers, solutions manual and a “Power Up†workbook. An optional Written Practice Workbook includes consumable worksheets for students to complete the lesson’s practice problems.



Hmm, so it looks like the practice workbook is an add on, but it's still confusing :001_smile:


For those who have used this, did you use the consumable workbook? I know dd definitely isn't ready to write out problems.




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We used it this year and had the same experience as the others. I didn't like the power up pages because there were no answer sheets and I grew tired of having to do them. :glare:

Dd hated having to write them out and would have LOVED having that workbook! It wasn't available when I ordered.

Does 5/4 have a workbook like that?


My only dislike was the amount of review. I mean the first 60 or do lessons were reviewing concepts from the year before. (spiral I'm fine with)

And it looks like 5/4 will be the same. But, Saxon works so we're doing it anyway.

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Hmm, so it looks like the practice workbook is an add on, but it's still confusing :001_smile:


For those who have used this, did you use the consumable workbook? I know dd definitely isn't ready to write out problems.





They didn't have the practice book when we ordered. Our homeschool kit came with the hardcover text, power up book, test book & solutions manual. ANd yes, to echo one of the other posters - the solutions manual is only for the text questions and the tests - not the power ups or mental math. Good to know that the practice book is now available! I will definitely get that when DS is doing it.


I wish they did this same format for Saxon 2.....

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We used it for the 1st month of the school year, but ended up ditching it. Like a PP said, it took 45-60 min. to complete an entire lesson with power-ups/warm-ups. And my dd was not yet a very independent reader at the beginning of the year, so I had to read every problem to her. It was just too much for us and we ended up switching back to a previous program we had used. We also didn't like the spiral approach and how many different things were hit on in each lesson. I'm sure this would work for some families, especially if you have used Saxon in the younger grades and liked it. It just wasn't for us, it completely overwhelmed my dd every lesson.

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When I got all the Intermediate 3 stuff, I ordered the extra workbook and didnt even end up using it. For a lot of it there was not enough room to write anything. Its all small type and small spaces, it wasn't a worthwhile purchase, not for me anyway. I just have my son write his problems out, its good practice for him anyway and it's had the added benefit of making him pay a bit closer attention to detail (making sure he is copying the numbers correctly).

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