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Prayer request for Dh Heart health and baby

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I am a little later than I would liked to have been.

My dh had been having chest pains and did not tell me: popping nitro like candy.

I demanded he go see his heart DR.

He got in the next morning, and had an abnormal EKG : but his Dr. was out on leave so they sent him home to wait 2 weeks to do a Stress Test with Dye. And he said they told him it was ok to keep taking the nitro.


So, I was stressed out for 2 weeks and having contractions all the time.


He went in for the test and had an even worse EKG so they put him in the hospital for a Heart Cath and put in a bigger stent than the first one, even closer to his heart.


The first one was very close and the Dr. Told me that he was glad I pushed him to go that time or he would have had a massive heart attack and not made it to surgery.


He will see his regular Dr. on June 4th, and I cannot wait. The Dr. who did his surgery this time is a good Surgeon, but did not talk much at all.

He will need to treat this aggressively and take much better care of himself, which he is already not doing.


Please pray for me as I seek how to handle him with respect and love, and for me to make it long enough for him to make his Dr. appt.

I am due with our 8th child on June 7th.


Thank you so much fellow Prayer warriors!

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Thank you for hugs and prayers!

I found a great book to understand CAD, surgery, natural cures or helps, diet, stress reduction, and all kinds of comprehensive integrated therapies.



By Dr. Stephen T. Sinatra

Dr. James C. Roberts


I know his Dr. will give him a serious talk. But he is too conventional and last time told me : no salt, all low fat foods, and no real butter.


Donating blood 1-4 times a year can help greatly, as iron overload can hurt men and post menopausal women.


Detoxmaxplus is available now w/out rx for inoperable heart disease patients.


I hope dh will take the supplements I ordered, he has not done well in the past, even with pill organizers.


Drinking lots of water is also important and a battle.


I know it is a second miracle that he is even alive!


Please pray for him to wake up, take steps daily to heal, and deal with stress better, as well as to accept that he has CAD.

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