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Texting is such a cop out!!

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My mother planned a baby shower for me and invited her friends that have known me for years. I tried talking her out of it because these are not my friends and I thought it would be awkward to invite those I have no contact to purchase us a gift and come to a baby shower. We live in different states, although the drive is only 1.5 hours away. My mom was adamant, as usual, so I told her May was the latest I wanted to do it. I am planning on doing lots of freezer meals during the weekends in June and I'm due in July. Well, she planned it for May 27. Apparently, she didn't get the response that she wanted so she asked me if I was willing to change it. After some thought, I told her let's just leave it at the original date since the evite already went out.


She TEXTS me today and says she is cancelling the baby shower due to a low response (only 6 people RSVP'd yes, which is more than I expected), but if anyone decides to purchase a gift, she will make sure that we get it. She continues her text stating since the baby shower is cancelled she was going to go visit my other sister at the beach. (This sister didn't want the baby shower on the 27th because she wanted to go to the beach on the 28th. She lives 15 min from the beach and just over an hour from our parents' home where the baby shower was going to be held. She mentioned to my mother and me that she would rather not drive down to the baby shower just to turn around the same day so she could leave for the beach the next morning.)


She ends her text by saying that if I need any help with cooking freezer meals in June, she would come.


I couldn't believe all of this was written in a text. Granted, I am pregnant. Perhaps, these pregnancy hormones are getting the best of me. It just seemed so impersonal and rude to text the change of plans instead of just calling me.


Well, I call her after I read the text and asked her to please call me instead of using text messaging for a situation like this. Her first excuse was that she thought I would be homeschooling. She changed all of the weekend plans. My family was supposed to spend the Memorial weekend with her and my dad, and she notifies me of all the changes via text!!!


Texting is such a cop out!


I should have figured that I would be challenged this week after the message I heard at church yesterday.

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Well, I'm not pregnant, but I'd be a little upset, too! Not just at your mom texting, but your sister, too! Unfortunating, I could totally see something happening like that with my siblings (not so much folks), so I'm glad I live 2000 miles away from the never-ending drama.


Just hug your husband and kids a little longer/tighter and try to plan something fun with just them, knowing YOU'd never do that to your son or daughter someday!

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Crazy. First often people don't rsvp and will still show up and 6 really is a nice size. ;)


2nd. I would totally take her up on the freezing of meals. Really.


Enjoy your now free weekend and time with your husband and children.




One thing that several of my mom's friends did was to throw her a grandma shower. She got things like picture frames, some toys to have at her house and that kind of thing. We live out of state as well and I only knew some of them, but it was really nice for her. Maybe you can mention something like this to one of your mom's friends without being to obvious.

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I'm not sure there were even 6 people invited to my baby shower years ago. :lol:


Take her up on the offer of help with the meals. I'm sorry she canceled your shower, changed all the plans, put your sister ahead of you, and texted instead of calling! Sheesh!!!! :grouphug:

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My mother planned a baby shower for me and invited her friends that have known me for years. I tried talking her out of it because these are not my friends and I thought it would be awkward to invite those I have no contact to purchase us a gift and come to a baby shower. We live in different states, although the drive is only 1.5 hours away. My mom was adamant, as usual, so I told her May was the latest I wanted to do it. I am planning on doing lots of freezer meals during the weekends in June and I'm due in July. Well, she planned it for May 27. Apparently, she didn't get the response that she wanted so she asked me if I was willing to change it. After some thought, I told her let's just leave it at the original date since the evite already went out.


She TEXTS me today and says she is cancelling the baby shower due to a low response (only 6 people RSVP'd yes, which is more than I expected), but if anyone decides to purchase a gift, she will make sure that we get it. She continues her text stating since the baby shower is cancelled she was going to go visit my other sister at the beach. (This sister didn't want the baby shower on the 27th because she wanted to go to the beach on the 28th. She lives 15 min from the beach and just over an hour from our parents' home where the baby shower was going to be held. She mentioned to my mother and me that she would rather not drive down to the baby shower just to turn around the same day so she could leave for the beach the next morning.)


She ends her text by saying that if I need any help with cooking freezer meals in June, she would come.


I couldn't believe all of this was written in a text. Granted, I am pregnant. Perhaps, these pregnancy hormones are getting the best of me. It just seemed so impersonal and rude to text the change of plans instead of just calling me.


Well, I call her after I read the text and asked her to please call me instead of using text messaging for a situation like this. Her first excuse was that she thought I would be homeschooling. She changed all of the weekend plans. My family was supposed to spend the Memorial weekend with her and my dad, and she notifies me of all the changes via text!!!


Texting is such a cop out!


I should have figured that I would be challenged this week after the message I heard at church yesterday.

That's awful. And doesn't she know that practically NO ONE RSVP's anymore? They just show up or not. If she said she was holding a shower, she should have held it.

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