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Stroller help, please!

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My husband's job is sending us to Paris for three months (yay!), and I'm trying to figure out a couple of purchases. We're going to be walking/using public transport exclusively while we're there, and I'm thinking we need an umbrella stroller. I've always been a baby wearer, and I have absolutely zero stroller knowledge.


I'll have to be able to carry both my LO and stroller up and down stairs at subway stations, so lightweight is important. I would like a nice sunshade since we're pale people. :) He's 26 lbs and 34.5 inches tall. I would like to stay around $100, but I could probably be a little flexible if there is something perfect out there. Like I said, I've never even looked at strollers before so I'm clueless.


Anyone love their stroller?



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I would look at the Maclaren strollers. They are super lightweight, hold up well and fold easy. They are more than your range but you might be able to find a good deal on one.


ETA: They hold pretty good resale value so you could always sell it when you get home to get some of your money back.

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You may want to consider purchasing a stroller over there. European strollers are way better than ours. Their wheels are better designed for cobblestones, etc.


That said, I have traveled in Europe with a Chico and it survived.


I thought about that, but I thought it might be nice to have for airports. Do you know how the prices compare?

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Thanks for that site! Do you think the Volvo would be good enough or no?


This one looks nice, but I know my DH is going to side eye me for wanting to spend almost $200 on a stroller for a child who can walk. He's clearly not the one who has been carrying all 26 lbs of him on their back. :lol:

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I thought about that, but I thought it might be nice to have for airports. Do you know how the prices compare?


A stroller would be nice for airports, especially when you are waiting to clear immigration.


I did buy a stroller once in England when our umbrella stroller shook itself apart. I don't remember specifics, but I remember thinking that prices were not cheap. (I'm pretty sure we ended up buying a cheap twin umbrella stroller that was about the same price and quality as our US strollers, but the cool strollers had cool prices tags.)

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I would google this question. I had a Macarena stroller and so did my sil. We both loved them and she used hers in NYC, as she lived there. My friends that traveled to Paris didn't use a stroller. They said it wasn't compatible with the city and the Metro. They also said that most restaurants did not have high chairs. They went last fall.

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One of the things I love about my maclaren is that it has a strap. If I have to carry it up stairs, I can fold it up, sling it over my shoulder, and have my hands free for child wranging and carrying other stuff.


The shoulder strap is a huge plus... I'm thinking the Maclaren Quest I posted earlier might be the way to go. I'm also considering the First Years Ignite. It's only $60, and it gets great reviews everywhere I've seen it. If it really doesn't hold up, I suppose I could replace it there.

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