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Airsoft question - appropriate for 10yo? and 13yo?

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My two sons, 10yo and 13yo, are asking for Airsoft guns. I am completely unfamiliar with them and thought I'd check in with the hive to get your thoughts.


We live in town and I'm not even sure they're allowed to shoot them here, but I could certainly take them to another area for them to play.


Let me know the good, bad and the ugly!




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My 13yo plays regularly and he started around 11. My 18yo plays too. You might ask around if other parents have kids that play. Group play is a big deal. It is usually "war games" so you need to decide if you are ok with that. They definitely must have eye protection. Camo helps too. BB's will leave welts. Tell them to keep their mouth shut when playing. My oldest son had to have one of his front teeth reconstructed because he was smiling when someone shot at him. Since they are younger you will want to find kids of a similar age to play with. The older kids can be ultra competitive.

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Our 10 year old got an AirSoft gun for his birthday two months ago, after some long pondering on my part. He got really good eye protection with it, and so far he's happy and I'm happy.


He is mainly doing target practice on soda cans and paper plates in our backyard (we've got a lot of large pine/spruce trees and decent privacy, and no neighbors have complained yet). I think his daddy likes the gun as much as ds does :lol:.


He hasn't tried to shoot it at anyone yet, but so far no injuries and everyone is happy. The neighbor kids are foaming at the mouth to try it out, but we haven't let them yet. But no problems from our end with having an AirSoft so far.




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We own soft air guns. We stress safety and they have to shoot when Dad's around. But, really, both boys aren't interested in them. My youngest is a talented archer and prefers his bow. We have a set up for him the backyard so he can shoot whenever he wants.

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