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Need soft food ideas...and prayers...

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My Ds is having 4 wisdom teeth surgically removed tomorrow; all bone impacted. (lest they eventually undo $4000 worth of braces). Please say a prayer that all will go well; it will be the first time he has had anything major done.


So why can't I think of anything beyond pudding to have on hand for him to eat? ROFL. Maybe because *I* want some? He doesn't like yogurt; he has asked for "soup in the red and white can" (yuck). I offered to make him a big batch of mashed potatoes. I need some more ideas. Something a bit more nutritious than pudding :tongue_smilie:


Also, anyone who has BTDT recently, any and all tips to help him be comfortable afterwards will be greatly appreciated.



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So why can't I think of anything beyond pudding to have on hand for him to eat? ROFL. Maybe because *I* want some? He doesn't like yogurt; he has asked for "soup in the red and white can" (yuck). I offered to make him a big batch of mashed potatoes. I need some more ideas. Something a bit more nutritious than pudding :tongue_smilie:~


It has been a long time since I got mine out but I did have all of them out at the same time and they had to cut them out.


My aunt took care of me and I do remember loving good old Chicken Noodle Soup from the "red and white can". The noodles were soft and the salt felt good. I picked out the chicken pieces.


The second day, my aunt made me well-cooked spaghetti with just marinara sauce and cut it up very fine. It was awesome. I also felt well enough to go fishing with my uncle. It was not a bad experience for me at all.


One of the problems I remember was how sore my jaw joints were, not necessarily even from the surgery, but from how wide my jaw was open for so long. I also had a sore throat for a couple of days. Soft ice packs for the cheeks and jaw and a stack of new fun movies to keep the mind off of the throbbing will help.


Also, lots and lots of chocolate milk shakes!!! What an excuse for chocolate milk shakes!! Just be careful not to get dry socket from sucking on the straw. Dry socket is not fun. I did not have it, but my friend did and I remember it was very painful... and her dad was a dentist-


"The socket is the hole in the bone where the tooth has been removed. After a tooth is pulled, a blood clot forms in the socket to protect the bone and nerves underneath. Sometimes that clot can become dislodged or dissolve a couple of days after the extraction. That leaves the bone and nerve exposed to air, food, fluid, and anything else that enters the mouth. This can lead to infection and severe pain that can last for five or six days. Rinsing and spitting a lot or drinking through a straw after having a tooth extracted also can increase your risk of getting dry socket."


I am sure your oral surgeon will give you info on preventing this.


Like I said, it has been a very long time since I had my done. Some people may have newer suggestions and recommendations.


Best wishes and prayers for your ds!

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Had all mine taken in two separate procedures when I was 16. Not fun, but it went very smoothly.


Yes, soup is actually a good option. You can try healthier brands of tomato soup or broth if he'll eat it. Applesauce, mashed potatoes, smoothies are all good options. And definitely still get him some pudding and ice cream... he'll have earned it and the cold will feel good to his mouth.


Good luck, hope all goes well!!

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My 12-year-old just had his out a month ago (yeah, he's dentally advanced :001_huh:).

Mashed potatoes, oatmeal well cooked, pasta cooked soft, stuffed pastas (like ravioli, perogis), pudding, mac n cheese, refried beans, broccoli and cheese soup, potato soup, tomato soup, cream of wheat or rice, cheesy grits, jello, applesauce, other cooked fruits.

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When I had my wisdom teeth out everyone suggested mashed potatoes, but I found them to be the most difficult thing to eat--they would just mush up and get messy and stuck in all of the crevices in my mouth. Something liquid like soup which would go straight down was much easier. Actally, the easiest thing eat was chocolate fudge--it would just melt in my mouth:001_smile:

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