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Anybody here ready for these upcoming sky events?


There will be a solar eclipse visible over North America on Sunday, May 20. For much of the USA, this will be visible as a partial eclipse at sunset, where the Sun will go down with a "bite" taken out! I haven't seen one of these in 10 years, so it's a fairly rare event.


Even more rare is the Venus transit on Tuesday, June 5. The body of the planet Venus will be seen as a black dot passing over the face of the Sun. This will also be visible at sunset for the entire USA. There will not be another until A.D 2117, so this is the last chance for everyone alive today to see this in their lifetime.


The media will pick up these stories at the last minute, but if you're not prepared, it will be too late. More info about these events and needed resources is available in our recent newsletter. http://aweber.com/t/68imk

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