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Finding homeschool curricula in bookstores?

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I was wondering if any of the popular curricula out there are for sale in larger bookstores or Christian bookshops?


We are planning to homeschool next school year I'd really like to just have a chance to look up close at some of the books before I buy, I'd probably still buy online.


Thanks! :)

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I was wondering if any of the popular curricula out there are for sale in larger bookstores or Christian bookshops?


We are planning to homeschool next school year I'd really like to just have a chance to look up close at some of the books before I buy, I'd probably still buy online.


Thanks! :)


I've seen PHP books like First Language Lessons and Story of the World in Barnes and Noble. You might also try looking for used homeschool curriculum sales in your area. May and June are popular times for these sales.

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Books-A-Million had quite a few things: The Writing Road to Reading, Phonics Pathways, Peace Hill Stuff, some other curricula I can't remember, The Complete Book of.. Series, various workbooks and test prep materials.


Ok, thanks to both of you :)


We have a teeny tiny books a million here in my small town, I might check it out later. We are going on vacation next week to Orlando and I saw that there is a large home school convention happening there.

I called the lady in charge to see if we could get into the bookstore/exhibit hall without attending the conference but she said no. :crying:

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I often use the "Look Inside" feature at Amazon before buying a book (if that particular book has that option). That might work in a pinch?


There's a great new homeschool used curriculum swap group at Facebook, made up of a lot of homeschoolers from all over the country, including quite a few from this forum. If you're looking, some of the things you need may be listed there.

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Keep in mind that I've never been, myself - will be attending first convention this month - but I've had others tell me in this forum that going to a convention is a must just for that reason, so you can see and handle everything before you waste a bunch of money ordering stuff that isn't right for you. Even if you don't do any of the workshops or any other activities at the convention. So, based on that, I'd say if you can at all afford it, try to pay to get into the convention so you can go to the vendor hall. I think we paid $55 for our admission.


Of course whose family wants to take time away from an Orlando vacation so Mom can troll for books! Ha ha.


Have fun in Florida! :)

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Yeah, I don't think I can stump up the cash for that to be honest, and I think there would be a family mutiny if I tried to do that instead of a day at a theme park! :w00t:


I have managed to look at almost all of the things I think I want/need for next year from friends. I do love to browse though! I will see if we have time to look in one of the large bookshops when we are down there to satisfy the urge.

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Mardel carries A LOT of homeschool curriculum. Hobby Lobby has started to carry a little bit, too, although they have more science kits and hands on stuff. Half Price Books often has a decent homeschool section. Teacher stores like Lakeshore Learning Centers carry a lot of good stuff, especially hands on things, but not so much the more common homeschool publishers.

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My favorite place to find "The complete book of..." and similar "big publisher workbooks (like Kumon, Complete Curriculum, and so on) is Costco-they're usually very cheap there.


We also have a Goodwill that often has good books/materials, and this is a big time of year for library book sales-we have the 2nd big one this weekend, and I'm usually able to outfit most of my Sonlight book list from them.

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