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Walk me through IEW TWSS


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I have TWSS and SWI B for my 9 yo dd and 13 yo ds. It's been sitting in a box for weeks now. I'm afraid to go through it; afraid I won't understand it ot be able to teach it.


Do I watch the DVDs first? Read the manual first? Read the manual and watch the DVDs at the same time :lol: ?? j/k


Would someone just hold my hand and walk me through this step by step? :001_huh:


Also, when do the "Theme-Based Writing Lessons" come into play? I don't have any yet, I was just wondering.

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I can help you with this, because we just started SWI B last week! You should watch the SWI B DVDs with your dc so that you know what they are being taught. In the SWI B lesson plans it tells you the corresponding things on the TWSS that you can watch.


I had borrowed the TWSS DVDs from a friend and started watching them before I started my kiddo on the SWI B, but now I'm even getting behind. The great thing about the SWI is that you have someone else teaching your child and you can learn right along with them. It really is laid out step by step, with checklists and all. So the grading and helping your child is easy. I do think it will be wise to watch and go through the TWSS (your manual will not be too helpful without it filled out by you watching the DVDs) because I have found it is helpful - the TWSS talks to you as the teacher to explain the methodology and does have tips & things that will not be in the SWI.


So, you can actually get started! The theme based programs integrate a specific subject but often go through the same units as the SWIs. Also, my goal is once we get through the SWI B and the SICC B and after having gone through all of TWSS that I will be able to have my dc "write across the curriculum" (i.e. all subjects) using the IEW method. Many here have done that successfully. I'm too new to feel comfortable yet.


I think you will find that you made a good call buying the SWI because it certainly helped me with less anxiety and feel less overwhelmed digging into the teaching method and style.



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I went through TWSS last summer with a friend, and we had the best time doing it. I think you should watch the recommended TWSS sections before you do the lessons in SWI-B. I've haven't used SWI-A yet, but I will be next year. I plan to go back through the TWSS sections before each lesson. You could easily stay a step ahead of your kids without having to do the whole TWSS at one time. The theme-based lessons are one way to teach the program yourself without DVDs of Andrew for the students, but it is assumed you are doing the TWSS. The theme-based books can also be used as a review of the whole program but with new and focused materials.

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I think you should watch the TWSS before asking or worrying about it being difficult to implement. It's probably the most straight forward thing out there. Watch the DVDs, learn the method. Follow the SWI. I"m not sure what about this program is so confusing. Or is it that there have been threads discussing the matter? Because I can recall several posts about it being confusing and the OP had not even opened the box LOL!

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I think you should watch the TWSS before asking or worrying about it being difficult to implement. It's probably the most straight forward thing out there. Watch the DVDs, learn the method. Follow the SWI. I"m not sure what about this program is so confusing. Or is it that there have been threads discussing the matter?

I think I've probably psyched myself into thinking I can't do it. Because I can recall several posts about it being confusing and the OP had not even opened the box LOL!



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LOL. I did the same thing. I had the box for like a week, then I finally opened it and realized the SWI-A is literally planned out! I am hoping to be able to use it across the curriculum the following year, but you will feel completely at ease once you start watching the DVDs and look through the schedule.

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I tried SWI-A by itself, with my oldest, a few years ago, and it bombed here.


This year, I realized that I needed to try again, because consistent writing was not happening here. I purchased the TWSS and actually took the time to watch ALL OF IT, and take notes. It was the best thing I could have done. I finally get it, and understand how the sequence works. I would totally recommend watching all of TWSS before attempting to teach it. We are now working through SWI-A. We are watching a section with Mr. Pudewa and doing the assignment, then I teach the next couple of assignments(as found in the downloadable book on the IEW website that goes with SWI-A), and we move on to the next section in the SWI-A. I plan on using SICC-A next year and adapting the assignments I teach to include information from our content subjects.

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I totally remember the feeling. I would set everything up and something would come up. It was exasperating.


It might take me three tries to get in 30 minutes. I also had two other younger kids.


It was worth every minute. I'm a "Give me the overall picture first, then the fine points" person. Watching the teacher actually teach the kids with my 9 year old worked best. The best was seeing what the teacher was actually expecting from the kids. I also got an idea of how long each step would take.


I think it took me a month to get through the younger kid's being taught videos and the teacher lessons for the first few units.


It had been so worth it.

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I totally remember the feeling. I would set everything up and something would come up. It was exasperating.


It might take me three tries to get in 30 minutes. I also had two other younger kids.


It was worth every minute. I'm a "Give me the overall picture first' date=' then the fine points" person. Watching the teacher actually teach the kids with my 9 year old worked best. The best was seeing what the teacher was actually expecting from the kids. I also got an idea of how long each step would take.


I think it took me a month to get through the younger kid's being taught videos and the teacher lessons for the first few units.


It had been so worth it.[/quote']


Thanks. That's encouraging to hear! I'm going to make time this weekend to watch the DVDs and get going with IEW. :D

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