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caffeine and behavior

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DS(5) has been having outburst when he doesn't get his way or thongs just aren't the way he thinks they should be. If his napkin gets ripped he gets very upset and nasty. He doesn't like ripped or broken things. He kicks things, throws things, swings his arms, kicks and beats on the walls, and is just very aggressive. One night he kicked, stomped, screamed at me and tried to hit me, broke a ceiling fan, and was just completely out of control. This agitation lasted for almost 30 mins. I had to actually hold him on my lap as he thrashed around to get him to stop throwing things.


This behavior started in the last few months. Nothing has changed in the household. Normally he is a very sweet loving boy. So much so, that most people that know him can't believe he does this. These really bad outburst don't happen every day, but his daily behavior has become more defiant.


We do not allow this kind of behavior. I monitor all shows he watches and all games he plays so I know he's not learning it from them. I don't allow a lot of candy (there's still candy from Easter 2 yrs ago stuffed in a cupboard-I do need to clean that out :tongue_smilie:) and he doesn't drink soda or a lot of sugary juice. It is worse when he is tired, which I can understand.


I was drinking iced tea one morning and he wanted some. I normally don't allow them caffeine but I let him have a small cup. He had no outbursts and was my sweet little boy the whole day. So I decided to try an experiment. It seems like the days I give him a glass of iced tea in the morning he has better behavior and can control his behavior better than on the days he doesn't have it.


What could it be about the tea? Could it be the caffeine in the tea, the sugar, something else? That doesn't seem right since caffeine and sugar makes most kids more hyper. I feel like a bad parent because I want to give him a cup every morning to keep his behavior in check. He really seems happier on those days.


Any thoughts or ideas on any of this?



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I'll have to talk with his doctor about that at his next appointment.


I forgot to add that anything with red dye seems to make his behavior worse so I avoid it completely. Also dark chocolate, but he doesn't have any chocolate much, once a month maybe.

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Caffeine is a stimulant, and so are the medications for ADD/ADHD. ADD/ADHD kids often respond to caffeine in a similar manner--calming and focusing.


A friend of mine has experienced this first hand with her son. He is very ADD--the mellow, day dreaming version, no H in there. But they didn't want to medicate their son, so they tried their doctor's suggestion to give him some caffeine before school and it has helped him focus somewhat.


Go figure.


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