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TOG users, what is The Loom and do you need it?

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What is the Loom? Is it a necessary component? If you are using TOD Redesign and it doesn't have the Loom with it, is this a problem? Thanks so much!


From the TOG newsletter


If someone owning a Print Only copy of Tapestry decides to upgrade to a companion digital version (DE), we have made it easy and inexpensive. To take advantage of our generosity, those who upgrade must surrender their physical Loom disc, which is then converted for them to a non-transferrable, digital Loom. The paper copy becomes non-saleable, but of course it does not bear the telltale watermark notice. Thus, you can distinguish legal or illegal sales of printed copies lacking a watermark by the presence or absence of a physical Loom disc. All resalable year-plans come with a Loom CD, which you'll want to make sure is included, as it is not for sale separately.

If someone offering Tapestry for resale claims to have lost their Loom disc, do not buy that copy. It cannot be replaced and is essential for using Tapestry of Grace.



More information on the loom is here if you page down.

Edited by melmichigan
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Um... well I just bought a Loom CD from them when I broke mine. I had bought my TOG used so I wasn't in their system. They have me page numbers from each unit and asked me questions from each page to verify I owned the print copy. Then they sold me a new Loom CD.


I would call them but I just did that less than a month ago.

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Depends on which copyrighted set of pages you have. Their general reply is they do not sell copies of the Loom. Most of the time when someone sells a printed version of TOG without the Loom, it's either the print version purchased with DE (not resell-able) or someone really genuinely lost it.


Whether or not the Loom is vital also depends upon which level students you are teaching. In Years 3 & 4, vital literature information is on the Loom for Rhetoric students as well as notes for the teacher regarding literature. Helpful handouts for LG/UG are also on the Loom.




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Um... well I just bought a Loom CD from them when I broke mine. I had bought my TOG used so I wasn't in their system. They have me page numbers from each unit and asked me questions from each page to verify I owned the print copy. Then they sold me a new Loom CD.


I would call them but I just did that less than a month ago.


I have heard they will replace them if yours is broken, lost with proof of purchase, or similar situations, but it is an exception because of people selling DE print versions.

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WELL..... I was going to say no. However, I have only been at TOG for 4 weeks. (LOVE it by the way) SO, I went back to my DE version and looked in the loom.


You might want it. :)


I didn't realize... grrr (at myself).... that there are glossaries for the People and Vocab sections of TOG!


I had been copying and pasting from Wiki for the people and from Webster for Vocab!!


However I wish it was week by week instead of in alpha order. :P


No more!


That said...


I think the loom can be done without. At least in Y1. I have no idea about the others.

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I have the de version and I looked at the loom after reading this thread, and while I find it helpful, I didn't find it neccesary. Is it because I am only using lower grammer? What student pages are you receding too? Aren't those part of the weekly plan?

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I have several units of years one and two that I bought from people and never got the loom CD. Aren't the pages in there to be copied? Are the activity pages the ones that go with the books? I never really thought too much about it since it seemed complete.:confused:

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You definitely need the Loom in Year 1. All of your Student Pages are on the Loom! I can't imagine doing it without it.


It's probably because you have the DE. With the print, ANY printables like the Student Activity Pages are on the Loom. I bet it isn't the same when you have the DE. As a print gal, I couldn't do without the SAPs on the Loom.



The Loom does have the Student Pages unprotected (not in LockLizard) to you can copy and paste into a document so you can alter them as needed.


BUT... Student Activity Pages are in with the regular units as well so you don't need to access the Loom to have the SAP.

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So if you are looking to buy a set, would you recommend I avoid one without the Loom?



I would certainly try. Only because if they have the DE+print edition then are not supposed to be selling it. You will get "scammed" so to speak.


If you are looking to buy without the Loom then I would ask for several sample pictures to see if you can determine if it is.


You can see on the side of the page. It will say not for resale. :)


Personally I think the DE+print version should be done away with. :) That will keep it from happening to begin with!

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Personally I think the DE+print version should be done away with. :) That will keep it from happening to begin with!


I love my DE+print. :001_wub: Having 5 DC I want the ability to get unlimited updates in the future and print as many SAP's formatted however I choose, but I do need a print copy to work from for my own sanity. On all my new DE+print copies purchased from TOG (Y3 and Y4) it states on the edge Not for Resale, same as if I would have printed it off of DE, so I get the impression they are trying to combat the sale of illegal copies now that their printing is on demand. My Y2 did not have that statement because they were just eliminating print versions at a discount.


If I understand correctly, it will always come down to the Loom CD. If there is no Loom CD then it isn't a legal print copy for sale, and buyers should know that before purchase.

Edited by melmichigan
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I never use my Loom CD for my lower grammar student. The few times I've wanted a copy of a SAP, I've just used a copier. If I wanted copies of those every week and at different levels, I would probably print them from the Loom. There may be more info on there that's needed for older students. In short, get the Loom CD to be safe.


Now as to vocab and people definitions....Is the Loom CD that comes with the print version different than what comes with DE? My Loom CD (print version) does NOT have vocab/people on it. The only place I've seen those has been on the evaluation CDs.

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If I understand correctly, it will always come down to the Loom CD. If there is no Loom CD then it isn't a legal print copy for sale, and buyers should know that before purchase.


:iagree: This sums it up very well.


For those taking their chances, just realize that without the loom CD you will never be able to get the DE option. Legal copies with the loom are recognized by Lampstand Press, even if purchased used. Illegal copies are not. All you will have is the year plan for that specific year and if it becomes too old with many out of print books by the time you are using it with a D or R student the student pages will be useless to you. Just some points to consider, besides the legal issue.

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All you will have is the year plan for that specific year and if it becomes too old with many out of print books by the time you are using it with a D or R student the student pages will be useless to you.


You will also being missing the Frameworks and Poetics sections to use with R literature. In Year 2 Frameworks is a 97 page document and Poetics is 174 pages. In Year 3, Frameworks is 158 pages and Poetics is 231. You will be missing quite a bit of information for Rhetoric level literature without the Loom.

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What is the Loom? Is it a necessary component? If you are using TOD Redesign and it doesn't have the Loom with it, is this a problem? Thanks so much!


Buying a print copy without the Loom may mean that the seller is selling you a stolen copy. If they have a DE version, they can print as many print copies and sell those if they don't care about copyright. Do you really want to buy from someone who is doing that?


Look on the side of the pages and see if it says "not for resale."


If they have "lost" their Loom, they can get a new copy from Tapestry and include that in the set.


I wouldn't deal with someone who was okay with stealing from Tapestry because it would make me wonder what they were doing to me.


I would also be concerned about my resale value. While you maybe willing to buy a stolen copy others won't be so finding a buyer will be harder and the amount you can charge should be less.


The whole Loom issue does not pertain to DE because the Loom is meshed into the DE materials so they don't get a separate disk like a print user would. They are precluded both by copyright law and contract from reselling the DE version.

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